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Rspec not able to trigger method inside after_commit callback

I am working on writing a test case for a model Benefit. The class file contains an after_commit callback which calls a method update_contract. It also has belongs_to :contract, touch: true. @contract ...
Bharat Kumar Anand's user avatar
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Error when sending invitation with Devise_invitable

I know there's some threads about this but, from what I saw they are quite old and can probably be outdated. I'm using devise and devise_invitable. The idea behind it is to allow admins and teachers ...
jccsag's user avatar
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Getting Error - ActionController::UnknownFormat in MembersController#edit_description

Input Image I'm encountering a "406 Not Acceptable" error in my Stimulus controller's fetch request. The controller is responsible for making an AJAX call to an endpoint, but it seems the ...
Yadnyesh-Dashpute's user avatar
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What each_with_object does in ruby

What each_with_object does? Where it get opts? primary_opts = global_config ...
Ирина Грачева's user avatar
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How to fix error in model with gem lockbox

I am using ruby '2.5.9' and rails ''. I configured all needed things for this gem. I have db with column "password_ciphertext", In model: "has_encrypted :password". When I ...
Rom4ik617's user avatar
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POST data then navigate to a new page and persist said data in Rails, without using the database?

I'm aware POST requests aren't meant for navigation but I just want to check if what I've been tasked with is possible. I have a page in my Rails app - let's call it cars#index. I'm required to make ...
s89_'s user avatar
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is there a way to write this clean?

So i have a flag to disable and enable a feature. and will based on the variable it has to toggle the flags flag_a, flag_b, are my two feature flags and the variable input string can be none, all,...
tech spam's user avatar
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HTML to pdf conversion using wickedpdf with page count

I have html that i need to convert it to pdf using wickedpdf gem and within html I have div <div class="inner-section" style="page-break-after: always; padding-top: 40px;"> ...
DevMasterAryan's user avatar
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Execute a ruby script in scala or convert logic in scala

I have a very small ruby script that I need to run in scala either by straightway running the sript which according to resources online is possible through org.jruby but the dependency doesn't work ...
Rudrani Angira's user avatar
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Ruby Version Manager

I'm new to Ruby and currently using Windows 10. I'm facing difficulty installing RVM. Since I work on different projects with varying Ruby versions, I want to use RVM to manage them easily. Currently, ...
Sapareshan's user avatar
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Beanstream::InternalServerException: on rails 4.2 using gem "beanstream"

Hey I am facing this error: I am using gem "beanstream" have configured the Beanstream initializer as well Beanstream.profiles_api_key = ENV['beanstream_profiles_api_key'] Beanstream....
Saqib Shahzad's user avatar
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How to handle the params for accepts_nested_attributes_for for has_many association containing a lot of fields on both associated table

I have user model which has has_many association with building model. Initially I was creating the user and the building seperately by using user.create and user.buildings.create because there were ...
nitish's user avatar
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How can I prevent n+1 issue from array that is generating additional conditions?

I'm facing n+1 issue when using conditions on array that comes from includes query. Here are the following tables: rems |id| |name| 1 aaa 2 bbb rem_correlatives |id| |rem_id| |name| |deleted| |...
Carlos Morales's user avatar
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Rails both way relationship between two tables

In Ruby on Rails I'm trying to be able to create both way many-to-many relationship between two tables. I want a relationship in routes and controllers. For example I want to be able to do both of the ...
Abenezer Daniel's user avatar
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Getting permission denied error when downloading a html page as html

This is my shortlisted action and shortlisted.html.erb , when clicked on download the list of shortlisted candidates should get downloaded. def shortlisted ids= AppliedJob.shortlisted.pluck(:user_id) ...
Sid's user avatar
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