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Questions tagged [puma]

Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP server for Ruby/Rack applications.

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Docker Rails works on dev but not on staging

My development environment is working successfully which consists of Ubuntu LTS 22.04, Docker, Rails 7.1, and Puma v6.4.2 My staging server environment is not working. This environment is using Ubuntu ...
Chris's user avatar
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Docker, nginx, Rails, Puma. Static files are not served but should be

I tried to migrate from Passenger to Puma in a Rails 5.2 project. This is a Docker setup using nginx to redirect from http to https and forward the requests to the Rails container. I had this set up ...
MDickten's user avatar
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Does a Rails application need to be thread-safe to use Puma's threads?

I'm trying to understand threads in Rails with Puma. I found two articles about that: In Puma documentation: By default, a single, separate thread (created by the Reactor class) reads and buffers ...
ldhoax's user avatar
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Puma caught this error: Invalid option key: urlsafe_csrf_tokens= (RuntimeError)

I just upgraded my Rails app to My puma version is 6.4.2. Now when I try to load the app in the browser (http://localhost:3000) I get this message Puma caught this error: Invalid ...
DSadaka's user avatar
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How to set ExecStart for Puma service for a Rails app (rvm)?

I am trying to properly configure the setup of my puma service, but still unsuccessfully. My nginx.conf looks like this: upstream puma { server unix:///home/rails/myapps/myproj/shared/tmp/sockets/...
user984621's user avatar
  • 47.7k
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Puma not creating pid file. Connection Refused error by Nginx on puma configuration

Puma socket does not exist under sockets folder yet puma is running under systemd service tail -n10 /var/log/nginx/access.log - - [15/Apr/2024:08:30:00 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" ...
Mutuma's user avatar
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Capistrano: Puma doesn't start the server (Ubuntu)

I have a Rails app that I am trying to deploy to the Ubuntu server. This server is on DigitalOcean and it is the 1-click Rails package. The Rails app uses Capistrano - here are the gems that I ...
user984621's user avatar
  • 47.7k
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Rails production, trilogy can't connect to remote db but mysql2 can

Trying to switch our production Rails 7.1.3 server from mysql2 to trilogy to connect to two dbs: our remote mysql db at DB_IP_ADDR on a separate DO droplet our local solid_cache mysql db on our ...
nimmolo's user avatar
  • 521
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Redmine. Puma::HttpParserError: Invalid HTTP format, parsing fails

I encountered this problem in Redmine 5.1.1 Redmine 5.1.1 (docker) Environment: Redmine version 5.1.1.stable Ruby version 3.2.3-p157 (2024-01-18) [x86_64-linux] ...
Pavel Shtanko's user avatar
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What in exifr causes this Tempfile to get closed?

In this piece of Ruby code that processes an UploadedFile using exifr f = uploaded_file.tempfile p "1 #{f.closed?} #{f.instance_variable_get(:'@unlinked')}" #1
Evgeniy Berezovsky's user avatar
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Opening new connections increase the cpu usage of database generating poor response time

We have an application running in 2 or 6 ec2 c5x.large AWS instances. Our configuration is: 4 worker 5 threads Usually we use two instances but in a specific time we are sending a push notifications ...
Juan Maldonado's user avatar
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Server Setup for Rails 7 app with nginx and puma

I am really new to server configuration. I have a rails application locally and I have access to an amazon EC2 server instance. I am required to use nginx for web server and puma for application ...
Akil Tahsin's user avatar
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Sidekiq performance issues. Htop shows multiple sidekiq processes

I'm having some performance issues with sidekiq in my production server. My server has 2 cores, and I have sidekiq configured with concurrency 8 but should be only one sidekiq process, that means that ...
Javier Rodríguez's user avatar
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IIS reverse proxy using ARR returning 502.3 Bad Gateway - Operation Timed Out for some requests

We have a bunch of SaaS clients. Our SaaS client websites are on IIS on a Windows Server 2019. I have setup a spree commerce backend (hosted using Puma on a debian server) for our SaaS clients. The ...
Hrithvik Gadhiya's user avatar
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better rails development server

The rails application I work on makes many 3rd party requests to get data. This often makes the development server slow because those requests takes a while to resolve and they block the other ...
Praveen Kumar's user avatar

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