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Questions tagged [amazon-web-services]

When asking about Amazon Web Services (AWS), specify which services you are using. Provide details on your architecture/configuration - do not include proprietary or sensitive information this is a public forum. Share relevant parts in a code block along with language tags. Specify the SDK/CLI version. Detail troubleshooting steps taken. The AWS tag is rarely used alone and should be used with other tags to more clearly define the topic of the question.

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AWS Cost Usage for 6 months fields

Has any one worked on the aws cost and usage? we are using the get_cost_and_usage but there are product related fields which the api doesnt fetch we are able to get "blendedcost, unblendedcost, ...
theCoderfidato's user avatar
0 votes
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AWS alb with ingress-nginx fails healthchecks

I want a single load balancer (alb) that direct traffic to internal nginx-ingress that load balances traffic to internal services in the cluster. I have followed many examples (ex_1) and I have ...
itaied's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Amazon Settlement Reports (currency conversion)

I am trying to import the settlements for the North America region. Now I need to send it to the book keeping account and for accurate reconciliation with the bank the amounts needs to be converted to ...
Usama Abdul Razzaq's user avatar
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seem any kind of authentication error in aws

when i try terraform plan exe, it give me the following result: Error: Invalid provider configuration │ │ Provider "" requires explicit configuration. Add ...
Carlos Gonzalez's user avatar
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1 answer

How to access/consume the ephemeral storage allocated to an AWS batch job running in AWS Fargate?

I am running my docker container in Fargate via AWS Batch. I am specifying the EphemeralStorage option in the job definition file like so: "ephemeralStorage": {"sizeInGiB": 21}, ...
Eyal Gonen's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to get YTD numbers in quicksight dashboard

This is my data using which I want to achieve YTD sum by selecting single date in the filter. e.g. Add date parameter on Month1 when I choose 1-May-2024. it should give sum as (Current YTD (1-Apr-24 ...
lobh's user avatar
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-2 votes
0 answers

Unable to parse all kind of subtype while fetching emails with imap from WorkMail

I have done some coding with PHP to fetch emails from WorkMail for each user. Where I am getting each user email and password from another file. This file is only for debugging purposes. This is the ...
Muhammad Aleem's user avatar
-1 votes
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Automate deployment with Terraform

Here is my scenario: There are multiple disparate, separate Cloud-based (Azure and AWS) resources. Some are fully deployed by IAC, some are deployed via Click-Ops. For various reasons (dont ask), Me ...
TheDemonLord's user avatar
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invoking getUser from CognitoIdentityProviderClient using PHP SDK gives: Error retrieving credentials from the instance profile metadata service

I am working on an AWS Cognito Authentication solution for my website. I have had the initial code working for some time and now I want to add the ability for a user to see their email and other user ...
aff's user avatar
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1 answer

AWS deployment Options: ECS, Batch, Step Functions, which to use?

I am currently having a relatively huge batch logic analyzing transactions and purchase data, and applying dynamic pricing accordingly. It runs twice daily and takes around 2 hours to run. I am ...
MSS's user avatar
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How to execute SQL statements against on premise Oracle DB in AWS Glue

I am trying to update a table in my Oracle DB using AWS Glue. I know that PySpark is not really meant for updating tables or inserting. More for reading. Though, I am trying to update all rows for a ...
rz01's user avatar
  • 61
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Amplify Gen 2: lambda function `No federated jwt` error

I have an Amplify app using Cognito for userpool authentication. Once a user has signed up and used the code sent via email (all Cognito functionality), they are passed to a custom form where ...
Jonny's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Can someone help me identify why AWS is charging me [closed]

This is the third month in a row I am getting charged and I have no idea why. I did some terraform demos to familiarize myself with it but I have since lost the code I was playing with. I deleted all ...
JustAkid's user avatar
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-1 votes
0 answers

AWS: Bucket URL works but not the A-record

I have an S3 bucket configured as a static web site with public access and the standard permission policy. It's hosted in US East (region 1). The URL for this bucket works. I've created an A-record ...
rsaunder's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

AWS Cloudformation error while creating SNS subscription on loop

Below is my cloudformation snippet that creates a SNS topic along with the subscriptions to the SQS endpoint based on parameters file (paramters.json) paramters.json { "Key" : "...
Chel MS's user avatar
  • 446

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