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Questions tagged [terraform-provider-aws]

Terraform Provider for AWS.

0 votes
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How to add "Granted accounts" for Redshift Serverless Workgroup with Terraform?

I want to grant access to my Redshift Serverless workgroup so other specified accounts to create Redshift-managed VPC endpoints. In the workgroup view in the console, it looks like it is an attribute ...
nickklon's user avatar
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Environment variables in HCP Terraform

I have a HCP terraform workspace set to "remote" execution mode. I figured from this GitHub issue that I need to set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env vars in the HCP terraform ...
ravi kumar's user avatar
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2 answers

'InputAndOutput' data capture configuration for Sagemaker endpoint with Terraform

We are trying to configure data_capture_config currently in terraform. This builds fine with 'Input' or 'Output' but not 'InputAndOutput.' We've updated the aws provider to the most recent version ...
oakland_t's user avatar
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Launching EC2 in UI vs Terraform, Not Authorized

I'm in class trying to spin up a VPC with 2 EC2 instances. Instead of doing it via the UI, I set up all the instances using Terraform. The problem is, I am able to spin up instances using the UI, but ...
Assaf's user avatar
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How to pass different principals when deploying a bucket policy using terraform

Using terraform I am creating a simple bucket and applying a simple bucket policy that allows a role and a user to get access to it. The role/user is different for each account that is being deployed. ...
Juan Luna's user avatar
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Issue trying to override max pods in a managed EKS node group using Terraform

I am following the guide to override the number of maximum pods per node from The guide is quite straightforward if I ...
Cornul11's user avatar
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How to set AWS EBS encryption with terraform and its launch template and without block_device_mappings?

We are new to terraform, trying to use aws provider with terraform version v4.30. We are trying to find the right setting to encrypt our instance volume. In this example, we don't use ...
chz's user avatar
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cloud-init fails on Amazon Linux 2023 but works on AmazonLinux2 [closed]

Here's my very simple test script that I want to run on ec2 launch via cloud-init using terraform. data "cloudinit_config" "cloudinit" { gzip = false base64_encode = ...
user22685947's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Terraform │ Error: Variables not allowed | Random Required Provider

When I try to validate this Terraform config, I get an error: terraform { required_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "5.58.0" } ...
Duo Lingo's user avatar
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Atlantis shows different plan when it runs in a different workspace other than Default

I am trying to configure Atlantis to manage our terraform resources. We already have a statefile in s3 bucket as it was used by our different tool ( concourse ). After setting up atlantis, I have ...
Abhinav Srivastava's user avatar
-1 votes
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Terraform AWS SES deployment Issue

I ma trying to deploy AWS SES Service through Terraform. Here is my block. I am using existing domain and zone_id in route 53 resource "aws_ses_domain_identity" "domain_identity&...
K P's user avatar
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Terraform data source (from aws provider) aws_vpc_ipam_pools not returning expected results

I am using the aws_vpc_ipam_pools data source to return a list of IPAM pools in an AWS account. ...
Yorick Robinson's user avatar
-2 votes
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Terraform apply errors out with a message: updating ECS Service InvalidParameterException: load balancers can have at most 5 items

I have an AWS ALB that is supposed to frontend an ECS Fargate frontend app written in Angular and a Backend that is written in NestJS. I intend to use a Single ALB for both frontend and backend and ...
Biplab's user avatar
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how to check logs for a glue trigger job?

I have aws glue resources set up , which if i run manually from the browser works. to automate this i added aws_glue_trigger resource with a condition that , if the crawler succeeds then i fire off ...
kishi's user avatar
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Unable to import Dynamo table using terraform-aws-dynamodb-table module

I am new to Terraform and trying to get my way through it. I am using the terraform-aws-modules/dynamodb-table/aws module to create DynamoDB tables. I am trying to import an existing table. Here is my ...
Ripan's user avatar
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