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Questions tagged [amazon-eks]

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and provides a fully managed Kubernetes platform, with the ability to have your containers deployed across a EC2 backed solution or as a serverless solution with AWS Fargate. Use this tag for programming-related questions specific to the EKS environment.

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Does it make sense to use karpenter when not automatically consolidating

I'm trying determining whether karpenter makes sense when you aren't automatically consolidating with: consolidationPolicy: WhenUnderutilized I understand that if consolidation is happening, that I ...
sss's user avatar
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Is AWS EKS cluster management with Linux and Windows nodes common? [closed]

We are new to K8s. From a K8s management perspective, is it a better choice to run 2 separate EKS clusters (with one cluster managing only Linux-based nodes and the other cluster managing only Windows-...
chz's user avatar
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How to collect logs from Kafka on EKS with Logstash

I am trying to collect logs from my Kafka which is running on an EKS cluster. My intentions were to use the Bitnami package for Logstash and the Bitnami package for Fluentd. I am having trouble ...
user23627827's user avatar
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kubernetes cronjob error: Saw a job that the controller did not create or forgot

Task:-> Restarting pod automatically at specific time. cronjob not working fine after manually triger, getting error- like Saw a job that the controller did not create or forgot: vijay-deployment-...
Vijaykumar Jawale's user avatar
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Pod getting stuck in ContainerCreating state when it is attached to 2 EFS RWX volume

Created EFS file system on aws console Using EFS file system ID from step 1 we created storage class and used that storage class in app deployment After helm deployment we got EFS access point, pv and ...
saurabh umathe's user avatar
-1 votes
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EKS Argo/Helm generated LoadBalancer will not put instances in service in AWS

Using ArgoCD I have generated an ApplicationSet that has a working Pod and container. However, the Service says it is healthy in the ArgoCD dashboard, and then when I look at the AWS console for the ...
UCFChandra's user avatar
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AWS EKS Multi cluster/Multi Environment access common services [closed]

Wanted to understand what is the best approach to access common services/pods from different EKS clusters. Assuming separate cluster per environment is good approach compared to having 1 cluster with ...
user3496519's user avatar
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Issue trying to override max pods in a managed EKS node group using Terraform

I am following the guide to override the number of maximum pods per node from The guide is quite straightforward if I ...
Cornul11's user avatar
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May and how I rewrite X-Forwarded-Proto header for ingress in ingress-nginx configuration in Kubernetes/AWS NLB?

I have: EKS cluster (AWS) ingress-nginx deployed as LoadBalancer (corresponding nlb active in EC2 configuration) NLB terminates https with ACM certificate Application in some namespace which listen ...
Dmitry Matyushkin's user avatar
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Empty string in container env value [closed]

I edit the env of a container definition as below. env: - name: STAGE value: '' - name: PORT value: '1069' But when I query the pod using @kubernetes/client-node, the value and valueFrom ...
陳智圓's user avatar
-1 votes
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WebEx bot integration with eks cluster [closed]

I have an bot ready with token, eks cluster is ready, I want to get status of pods running in that particular cluster when I give input to bot it should respond me with all the details in bot window. ...
sanket kurane's user avatar
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error: exec plugin: invalid apiVersion "" also nodes are not showing in EKS cluster dashboard

I have created AWS EKS cluster using terraform. My cluster created successfully but when I check node in compute section inside cluster dashboard then there is no node showing , also when I install ...
user1821091's user avatar
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AutoScaling group has wrong tag value using Terraform EKS module

We are using the Terraform EKS module with managed node groups, a custom launch template (created within the node group), and in this case, the group is creating spot instances. The node group ...
KJQ's user avatar
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Solace with EKS [closed]

soalce I'm using an event-driven architecture for a microservice project, deploying all microservices and Solace in my EKS cluster. I'm accessing APIs via an ALB and Solace via an NLB as per the ...
Jay Mehta's user avatar
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ClusterAutoscaler on EKS

Has anyone deployed Cluster autoscaler on EKS With multiple nodegroups? I want the nodegroups to be individually configurable so I am using
karthick's user avatar

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