Has any one worked on the AWS Cost and Usage?

We are using the get_cost_and_usage but there are product related fields which the api doesn't fetch. We are able to get blendedcost, unblendedcost, usagestartdate, service, location but there is no direct api to fetch:

  • UsageAccountId
  • ProductCode
  • ResourceId
  • SKU

We used the GetCostAndUsageWithResources - AWS Billing and Cost Management but it can fetch only for 14 days we need to fetch this detail for 6 months of the historic data.

                   **** 'ProductCode'**,**
                   ** 'ResourceId',**
                   ** 'SKU',**

As of now we need to handle the details from the first one month details by handling in the boto3 code by handling the csv files and segregate the Resource and SKU details. Is there any other way of handling it?