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Questions tagged [postgresql]

PostgreSQL is an open-source, relational database management system (RDBMS) available for all major platforms, including Linux, UNIX, Windows and OS X. Mention your version of Postgres when asking questions. Consider for questions concerning the administration or advanced features.

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postgres wal_level logical without logical replication

The postgres documentation about WAL_LEVEL states: In logical level, the same information is logged as with replica, plus information needed to extract logical change sets from the WAL. Using a level ...
Peter's user avatar
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How to avoid circular relations in postgres using cycle detection

I'm trying to use CYCLE detection in PostgreSQL to avoid circular nesting of groups but cannot figure it out. I have the following PostgreSQL 16 table: CREATE TABLE groups ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, ...
rastaBob's user avatar
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ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused. Docker, Python

I made a fastapi, alembic, postgres, sqlalchemy application, made a docker image, run and try to create a user, but when sending a request I get the error ...
123 123's user avatar
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fillfactor on postgres view table

Can we set fillfactor on postgres view? I have created one view as CREATE VIEW test_view AS SELECT ut.test2_parent_id, ut.test2_id FROM test1 as u JOIN test2 as ut ON = ut.test2_parent_id JOIN ...
golang's user avatar
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My github service container cant read property of my prisma adapter from my NextJS

Im following documentations on a Github service container for postgresql to do some testing before deployment. So how my files are arranged is that i have one container for my NextJS web app, and ...
Wer Wer's user avatar
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Load linked entity via automapper into dictionary

I'm trying to use automapper to pull in a relationship's collection and convert to a dictionary, but I'm struggling with syntax. I have these two entities: class Station { public int Id { get; set; ...
Gargoyle's user avatar
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Connecting PostgreSQL running on WSL from DBeaver on Windows (FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres")

I have my WSL2 running an Ubuntu 20.04 distro. I have installed my PostgreSQL (12.19) using apt-get. I ran sudo passwd postgres to set password as root I am able to access the DB from the WSL terminal ...
Akshay Padinjarethadathil's user avatar
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Debezium stops after inserted or update data into the table when using decoderbufs

The initial synchronization worked as expected, but when I insert or update data into the table, the connection with postgres closes.The connector is still marked as active and running.This issue only ...
lingfeng qian's user avatar
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Why does enum cause type mismatch when saving in postgresql from JPA?

I have a user object defined as such @Entity @Table(name = "user_account") public class User { public enum Role { CLIENT, ADMIN } @Id @GeneratedValue(...
benwl's user avatar
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Dica de criação de banco de dados para iniciante [closed]

Estou realizando um trabalho na faculdade e como sou iniciante, estou um pouco perdida ainda, queria algumas dicas... Tenho um projeto web que é feito o cálculo de estruturas metálicas para uma loja, ...
Ariane Silva's user avatar
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Optimization for Datetime and Value storage in database [closed]

I receive data (Timestamp and Value) from external service (let's assume that Timestamp is Datetime and Value is string). I want to store it in database. So for example following data sequence can be ...
hawthorne's user avatar
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pg-mem with typeorm for in memory jest testing

i have a express app i am creating in typescript. I also am using typeorm as my orm for connecting to the database and actioning on it. I already have jest unit tests but i also wanted to create ...
Attiq Ahmed's user avatar
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Micronaut R2DBC Parent Child Relationship Parent ID not getting inserted into child (One to Many)

I am new to R2DBC and I have a fairly standard parent child relationship Person / Address and when attempting to save a person object with an address both the person and the address get saved but the ...
moff2's user avatar
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Bulk Table export as DDL separated files in DBeaver

I am trying to export and entire database's schemas for tables, views, etc. I must export the schemas as SQL individual files. I've been doing it manually through the option generate SQL-> DDL but ...
Sakura NoTamashi's user avatar
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Ruby with Postgresql raising NumericValueOutOfRange

I'm trying to do the following query using ruby and pqsql, but when trying a range with more than 1.000 registers I'm receiving an error. . . . user.left_outer_joins(:coverage_radius).where(id: i)....
Leonardo Furtado's user avatar

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