I am trying to export and entire database's schemas for tables, views, etc.

I must export the schemas as SQL individual files.

I've been doing it manually through the option generate SQL-> DDL but this seems inefficient and there are a lot of objects so im not gonna end like ever.

Im using DBeaver with postgre.

  • See the manual: jetbrains.com/help/datagrip/… Commented Jul 10 at 0:40
  • That doesn't look like a question related to software development. Why do you use a GUI tool for that? Commented Jul 10 at 6:25
  • @LaurenzAlbe well it kind of is related I guess, since i need to perform a code clean up which requires ensuring the current statements for the DB schemas. As for why am I am using a GUI i am not really sure how to answer, I guess because it facilitates the DB management from a server origin just as MYSQL does. Even thought i am asking about DBeaver if there is other way to migrate the schemas to sql statements separated per file I would be more than willing to hear it. Commented Jul 10 at 14:01
  • If you want to automatize such processing, use a command line tool like pg_dump that you can use in a script rather than a GUI. Commented Jul 10 at 14:37


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