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Questions tagged [hotwire-rails]

Hotwire-rails is a collection of front-end tools for Rails available since Rails 6 and enabled by default in Rails 7. Use the [Hotwire-rails] tag for questions about Stimulus, Turbo Drive, Turbo Frames and Turbo Streams and especially their usage in Rails. This tag is not for turbo-links (unless the question is about updating to Hotwire). Also be aware that Hotwire and its components are sometimes used outside of Rails.

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Turbo Stream Response Only Works On Show | Rails 7.1

Part One: This is my controller action - def update respond_to do |format| if @user.update(user_params) format.turbo_stream { redirect_to user_url(@user), notice: "...
scottkekoa's user avatar
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How can i tell turbo that a view transition should be "Back"

I have my css set up to target back and forward page transitions, which works great when clicking links on the site (forward transitions) and when clicking the browsers back button (back transitions) ...
Will's user avatar
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Turbo-Stream broadcast and Sidekiq job - Job runs, but page does not update

Trying to run a sidekiq job then broadcast the updated attributes to the page assuming the user is sitting there watching it. I'll try and list all relevant code: cable.yml development: adapter: ...
Ricky Mason's user avatar
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Trying to render partial but The response (500) did not contain the expected <turbo-frame id="">

Trying to learn this a bit, but keep running into new issues. Currently, I have an 'explore' button that is supposed to run some controller code, and pop out a new _partial where it counts down and ...
Ricky Mason's user avatar
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How to preserve the original document's head tag when navigating in a turbo frame with `data-turbo-action='advance'`

The Problem: I have a component that performs navigation using a turbo frame. I would like to reflect the navigation changes in the window URL for better UX. According to the Turbo documentation, ...
noam steiner's user avatar
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Issue with rails hotwire trix textarea resize

im trying to create a textarea resize grippie more or less like the SO for a trix textarea with rais stimulus so i set this controller below the issue is when i pull down the textarea the textarea ...
jjplack's user avatar
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Rails: problem with "@hotwired/turbo-rails" and redirects

// app/javascript/application.js import "@hotwired/turbo-rails" import "controllers" import "trix" import "@rails/actiontext" import Rails from "@rails/ujs&...
Steven's user avatar
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Rails: problem with handle redirect with turbo_stream in apps

In the application, when creating a feature, it was necessary to add hotwired/turbo-rails. // app/javascript/application.js import "@hotwired/turbo-rails" import "controllers" ...
Steven's user avatar
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Rails Turbo Frames: "Content missing" after Update-action (View doesn't update)

I like to use Turbo Frames in my existing Rails-App. index.view looks now this way: <h1>Projects List</h1> <div><strong><%= pluralize(@projects.size, "Project") %> ...
cluster1's user avatar
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Turbo rails broadcast_refresh_to does not connect to stimulus controller

Using turbo 8.0.4. Blog model: after_update_commit lambda { |blog| } broadcast_refresh_to blog } In blogs/show.html.erb <%= turbo_stream_from @blog %> <%= tag.div data: {controller: &...
dp7's user avatar
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How to use Rails and Hotwire Turbo Streaming to Stream a Long Page?

I looked at and , but did not see quite how to do this. I have a long page that many messages. When the ...
B Seven's user avatar
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Javascript error running Rails 7 app on IOS iPhone/iPad

We have an app build in Rails 7 with a Postgres database and uses Bootstrap 5 for the UI components. Pretty basic but effective app. The app works fine on Windows and Mac browsers and on most Android ...
Daniel Grenier's user avatar
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turbo-frame src is updated but html does not render

I have a <turbo-frame id="modal"> tag in my rails layout outside of the <%= yield %> and when I try to render content in the turbo-frame from within the yield it does not render ...
kirley's user avatar
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How to create a dynamic user form with Devise and Hotwire

I have devise installed as authentication system in my Rails 7 app. I want to be able to create dynamic forms for organization and individual user types using hotwire. That is, when I click on ...
Tolase Adegbite's user avatar
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Rails 7 turbo frames and multiple forms issue with the form value

I'm very new to Rails. I've found this strange issue related to turbo_frame and multiple new forms. I have a model Post with comments and when I try to load multiple forms the value from one form ...
nonyck's user avatar
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