


"Now we will vanquish any who still hold to his ways... who will not serve the Imperial cause! As the Empire rules the galaxy, Droid World is ours to command!"
―A Z-X3 unit, inciting rebellion on Kligson's Moon[1]

The Z-X3 experimental droid trooper was a prototype battle droid created by Tagge Company during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Designed to function in environments too hazardous for organic stormtroopers, the Z-X3 was the brainchild of Imperial officer Rom Mohc, who was inspired by his experiences facing Confederate battle droids during the Clone Wars. However, the Empire rejected the droid troopers, leaving the few Z-X3 units that were produced to either find remote Imperial service or fall into private ownership.


"This kind of product isn't worth the effort. Most Imperial handiwork isn'tZee-Exthree here is one of the exceptions."

Essentially the second generation of the Tagge Company's L8-L9 battle droid model, the Z-X3 experimental droid trooper was designed to operate in extreme conditions, ones too hazardous for the Galactic Empire's organic stormtroopers—specifically, highly irradiated or zero-G environments. 1.9 meters tall and humanoid, the Z-X3 droids were stylistically modeled after the stormtroopers they were meant to support, with crimson plating inspired by stormtrooper armor. The Z-X3 lacked built-in weaponry, instead commonly carrying a blaster rifle or mounting a Briletto AAP-IV blaster box on its chest. The droid also boasted enhanced physical strength, and a high level of intelligence separated from any central computer.[1]


"I am an experimental model, designed by Taage Industries to work under extreme planetary conditions even stormtroopers couldn't survive. The Imperials were not satisfied… I was rejected. Fortunately—Kligson reclaimed me, and has now given me many new opportunities."
―Zee-Exthree, to C-3PO[3]

Z-X3's mutiny

Created and manufactured by the Tagge Company during the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Z-X3 droid trooper was based off an idea from Imperial officer Rom Mohc, who had served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars and came to admire the Separatist droid armies. As such, Mohc became fixated on the idea of droid stormtroopers that could provide support to the Empire's organic troops on the ground. Mohc launched the "Droid Trooper Project" in order to bring his idea to fruition, and by the years following the Battle of Yavin, he found a willing partner in the Tagge Company—[1] its Baron, Orman Tagge, had remained interested in the concept after the failure of his L8-L9 droid model during the Clone Wars.[4]

TaggeCo initially produced a crop of less than 100 Z-X3 units, enough for the Empire to test them in a controlled setting. However, by that time, the defeat of the Separatist battle droids was still too fresh in the minds of the Imperial brass, and the project was scrapped. Although Mohc would eventually refine his idea into what became the Dark Trooper Project, the few Z-X3 droids were rejected and slated for recycling. A few found service with the Empire regardless at remote garrisons, but many more made their way into private hands.[1] One such droid, later simply called Zee-Exthree, found its way to the "Droid World" of Kligson's Moon, where it became the chief lieutenant of the cyborg technician Kligson while maintaining secret Imperial sympathies. In 3 ABY Zee-Exthree incited a rebellion to seize the Droid World in the Empire's name, but was defeated and destroyed.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The Z-X3 experimental droid trooper first appeared in Star Wars (1977) 47, written by Archie Goodwin and released in 1981.[3] The droid class later received a full backstory, and its full name, when it received an entry in The New Essential Guide to Droids in 2006.[1]



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