


"Did you sell my guests the mushroom?"
"Yes, of course. Nothing but the best—"
"And why then has it been cut with Xyathone?"
"What? I did not know, I swear—"
―Trillot interrogates Guntar[1]

Xyathone was a chemical with a distinct taste and smell that could be used to dilute narcotic mushrooms. This occurred in 22 BBY in the X'Ting gangster Trillot's facility on the planet Ord Cestus. The usage of Xyathone greatly displeased Trillot as it reduced the potency and quality of the drug. Furious with the Zeetsa Guntar, who had sold the contaminated drugs to the facility's Chadra-Fan customers, Trillot provided recompense to the Chadra-Fan while severely punishing Guntar.


"You should have smelled it. Tasted it in the mixing."
―Trillot challenges Guntar's claimed innocence.[1]

Xyathone was a chemical with a distinct smell and taste. It could be incorporated with other substances, such as certain mushrooms used as a drug.[1]


"Do you say that that insignificant nose and tongue of yours aren't up to the task?"
"I… I suppose…"
"You know how I loathe inefficiency. See that the offending organs are removed."
―Trillot condemns Guntar's capabilities and punishes him.[1]

Around 22 BBY,[2] X'Ting Gang leader Trillot was escorting his younger broodmate Fizzik through his hidden facility on the planet Ord Cestus. As the brothers made their way through the facility, Trillot detected the scent of Xyathone in the air, displeasing the criminal leader. The group proceeded to an alcove where a pair Chadra-Fan were imbibing upon some mushrooms from a boiling flask. The mushrooms had been contaminated with Xyathone, reducing the potency and quality of the drug.[1]

Trillot summoned Guntar, a Zeetsa who had sold the Chadra-Fan guests the mushrooms. Trillot briefly interrogated Guntar, challenging the Zeetsa's claims that the mushrooms were of the highest quality. When Guntar proclaimed[1] his[3] innocence, the gangster noted that the Zeetsa should have detected the contaminant in either the smell or the taste of the product. As Guntar's nose and tongue had proven incapable of ensuring quality mushrooms, Trillot ordered his guards to remove the offending organs to Guntar's horror. To provide recompense to the Chadra-Fan, Trillot ordered additional guards to provide them mushrooms from his personal store.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Xyathone first appeared in The Cestus Deception, a 2004 novel written by Steven Barnes as part of the Clone Wars multimedia project.[1] The scene featuring xyathone was cut from the abridged audiobook, released in 2007 and performed by Jonathan Davis. The audiobook notes Fizzik's intent to provide information to Trillot upon entry to the facility, before skipping this scene to continue with the next chapter.[4]



Notes and references[]
