


"However, if Rebel agents are ever caught in the sector, Colonel Jev will be the one to notify the Alliance of their location. Jev has provided covert assistance to Rebel units operating in the sector, but never becomes directly involved."
―Personal addendum by General Airen Cracken to a datafile detailing Rebel Alliance operatives[3]

The Wyloff sector was located in the Colonies. It contained the astronomical objects Nieuth Four, Wyloff, and Wynth. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Wyloff sector's Imperial Moff, Varnier, illegally used Imperial Intelligence agents to carry out political assassinations of potential threats to his rule over the sector.

Varnier once ordered the execution of a prominent local broadcast personality of Wyloff who had publicly criticized the Moff's rule. Ilo Jev, the son of the executed man, had by that time become the commander of the Wyloff sector Imperial Intelligence ExComm facility and eventually helped expose Varnier's illegal activities. As a result, Jev became a colonel in charge of the ExComm facility but harbored deep hatred for the Empire's leadership. After a meeting with Rebel Alliance General Airen Cracken on Nieuth Four, Jev began covertly assisting the Alliance and supplying it with strategic information from his facility.


"I met with Colonel Jev on Nieuth Four."
―Personal addendum by General Airen Cracken to a datafile detailing Rebel Alliance operatives[3]

The Wyloff sector was located in the Northern Dependencies portion of[2] the Colonies. It contained the Nieuth, Wyloff, and Wynth systems. The Wynth system contained[1] the astronomical object of the same name,[3] and the Nieuth and Wyloff systems contained[1] the terrestrial celestial bodies Nieuth Four and Wyloff, respectively.[3]


Ilo Jev's origins[]

Wyloff was the homeworld of the Human Ilo Jev, who was born approximately thirty-six years before the Battle of Yavin. Jev eventually became an officer within the Wyloff Sector Plexus of Imperial Intelligence. By that time, the Wyloff sector was governed by Imperial Moff Varnier, who illegally ordered agents of the Destabilization and Assassination branches of Imperial Intelligence to carry out a series of political assassinations against anyone who posed a threat to Varnier's absolute rule over his sector.[3]

Years after Jev was transferred to the External Communications section of Imperial Intelligence, Varnier ordered the execution of Jev's father, a prominent local broadcast personality on Wyloff who had publicly noted the Moff's preoccupation with recreational pursuits instead of government matters. Jev was promoted to the rank of commander at the Wyloff sector Imperial Intelligence ExComm facility the same day his father was killed. Thanks to the secret involvement of the Destabilization agent Major Kerri Lessev, Jev soon discovered Varnier's use of Intelligence assets for advancing his own personal agenda and put into motion events that led to the exposure and elimination of the Moff as well as the weeding out of inefficiencies in Wyloff command.[3]

Rebels in the Wyloff sector[]

"Colonel Jev is in no immediate danger of discovery in the Wyloff system—he's that deeply entrenched."
―Personal addendum by General Airen Cracken to a datafile detailing Rebel Alliance operatives[3]

Imperial defector and Rebel Alliance operative Vin Northal was stationed in the Wyloff sector.

Those events led to Jev himself being promoted to colonel in charge of the Wyloff sector ExComm facility, and the officer's equipment included a rank cylinder code key that granted him access to the entire Imperial computer and communications network of the Wyloff sector. Under Jev's command, the Wyloff facility became the most efficient of all the local sectors. However, partly due to his father's death, Jev harbored a deep hatred for the Empire and its corrupt and power-hungry leaders.[3]

By the time the Battle of Yavin was fought, the Rebel Alliance operative and Imperial defector Colonel Vin Northal contacted Jev, who was on leave at the time. Through Northal, a meeting was arranged between Jev and Alliance General Airen Cracken. As a result of the meeting, which took place on Nieuth Four, Jev began to provide the Alliance with strategic information from his ExComm facility, including the location of any Rebel agents captured in the Wyloff sector. Jev additionally provided any Alliance units operating within the sector with covert assistance. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Northal, who had facilitated Jev's defection, was stationed at the Wyloff sector astronomical object Wynth. Around that time, Cracken noted Jev's activities in the sector in personal addendums to a datafile detailing Rebel operatives.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The Wyloff sector was created by David R. Tulo, Jr. and was introduced in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a 1994 West End Games sourcebook published for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the book, the sector was depicted visually in an illustration of the Wyloff sector Imperial Intelligence ExComm facility by Doug Shuler.[3]


Notes and references[]

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