


Wordro's organization, run by Wordro the Hutt, suffered hijackings of its shipments during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire.[1]

This section of the article assumes 100% game completion of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Any alternate stories may be noted in the "Behind the scenes" section. The events in this section may or may not have been confirmed as canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

Around 3643 BBY,[2] an individual associated with one of the two opposing governments sent a companion of theirs to guard the organization's shipments in exchange for Wordro giving them a share of his profits. The companion defeated the hijackers and exposed a traitor working within Wordo's organization. The Hutt was pleased and gave them a bonus.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Wordro the Hutt's organization was mentioned in the Crew Skill mission "Hijacker Ambush" in the 2011 BioWare video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic. The information regarding the mission's completion was later removed from the game.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Underworld Trading Crew Skill mission: "Hijacker Ambush"
  2. Per the reasoning here, Act I of Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place around 3643 BBY. Since players of The Old Republic can assign their companions on the mission "Hijacker Ambush" independently of the main class storyline at any point during the game, the mission must take place at some point around 3643 BBY.