



While obviously you can do whatever you like to help the project, these are some of our suggestions!

Improving language in existing articles[]

One of the things we want to focus on is to fix the phrasing in articles that objectify women. Spookywilloww has written up a really excellent explainer of some of the language to avoid in Forum:SH:Describing enslaved individuals and avoiding objectification. When describing a character or their actions, think: would you describe a character this way if they were another gender or species? Avoid subjective descriptions like "attractive" and think about how we know about this quality: who thinks so, and how does it affect their story, and is it relevant to bring it up here? Avoid assigning a moral judgment to actions or circumstances, e.g. don't describe a character's enslavement as a 'fall from grace'. Avoid editorial skepticism about vital parts of a character's identity or presentation, even when the source presents a skeptical tone (for instance, scare quotes on "she" for a female Hutt). When in doubt, be specific.

Often you will find that the source material's presentation is flawed by today's standards. Luckily, we're meant to be paraphrasing the source material. Be as accurate as you can without replicating the harmful framing of your source. For examples of how specificity can be used to combat outdated phrasing in a slightly different context, see Forum:SH:Writing about gender and reproduction.

Finding articles to edit[]

There are about 8,000 articles in Category:Females, which is obviously... far too much to tackle all at once or without some kind of way to break it up into smaller groups. Since status articles (Comprehensive articles, Good articles and Featured articles) are promoted as the best on the site, people might use them as examples of how to write their own articles; unfortunately, some of them have language that reflects the sexism and misogyny of Wook's past, and should be improved to make Wook both more accurate and more comfortable for female editors.

It's polite to ask the person who brought an article to status to fix issues with the page or ask their permission to do it yourself. You can find who brought an article to status by clicking on the article's talk page (hover over the three vertical dots next to the edit button and then click on 'Talk'), looking at the top of the page where there will be an 'Article milestones' notice, and then clicking on the 'Featured article' link (or Good or Comprehensive) that is to the right of a date. This will take you to its archived nomination page, where it will tell you who nominated it in the 'Nominated by' field. Particularly if it is very old, the nominator might not be active on Wook anymore, in which case you don't need to contact them. If the nominator is around, though, you can contact them on their talk page or on Discord.

If you don't want to look at existing status articles, you can have a look at articles that are more likely to suffer from the problem of objectifying language than others, such as articles about Twi'leks and enslaved women. You can also use the search tool, putting in terms that are likely to indicate articles need updating, such as 'attractive' or 'breasts' (sometimes a description of a character's breasts could be relevant, but it's often unnecessary). If you think of other good words to search, edit them in here!

Category intersection tool[]

The category intersection tool makes it possible to choose two categories and get a list containing only the articles that are in both categories. You can intersect more than two categories, but you have to do it with different code, so first we'll cover doing only two.

To use it, you first need to turn on the 'category intersection' gadget. You'll need to register an account if you don't already have one. Once you're logged in, go to your preferences, which can be reached by clicking here (which will take you directly to the Gadgets tab) or hovering over your profile picture in the bottom left corner of any Wook page and clicking 'My Preferences' on the menu that pops up. Then navigate to the 'Gadgets' tab and click the checkbox next to 'Enable the category intersection tool', which is the second from the bottom (I've underlined it in red). Make sure to click the red 'Save' button!

Gadgets preferences tab

Once you've got it enabled, click on Category:Females. The category page should look like the picture below (I've underlined the 'category intersection' link in red). If it doesn't, you haven't turned the category intersection tool on properly—feel free to reach out on WP:DISCORD for help!

Females category page

There are two ways you can do a category intersection: a template or manually. The template is, of course, much easier, but it's also a good idea to know how to do it manually because sometimes that's quicker. The template will not work unless you have the category intersection tool turned on.


To use the template, you're going to need to put it on a page. There are several options: for category intersections that you want to come back to in the future, you can use your userpage or a workbench. If it's something you're only going to use once, you can just hit 'preview' after putting on one of the pages I just mentioned and click on it from there, or you can use the Jundland Wastes.

Once you've got the edit page of whatever page you chose open, copy this code and then replace category1 and category2 with the two categories you want to intersect.


For example:

{{Catintersect|Females|Wookieepedia Featured articles}}

Results in:

Category intersection:"Females" and "Wookieepedia Featured articles"



Results in:

Category intersection:"Females" and "Twi'leks"

Before you click on either of those, please read the section below that starts with Category intersection results page.


Go to Category:Females. Click on the 'category intersection' link, which is to the left of the CANON and LEGENDS banners. (Clicking on those banners will take you directly to the category intersection of whatever category page you're viewing and the continuity banner you clicked on! Which is cool but not what we're looking for right now.) The first category field will automatically be filled with Females, since that's the page you were on when you clicked it.

Category intersection page

If you want to look for status articles, you can put "Wookieepedia Featured articles" (without the quotation marks) into the second category field to find status articles longer than 1,000 words, "Wookieepedia Good articles" to find status articles between 250-1,000 words, or "Wookieepedia Comprehensive articles" to find status articles shorter than 250 words. If you want to filter for Twi'leks instead, you can put "Twi'leks" in the second field.

Category intersections results page

When you click the red 'GO' button, it's going to direct you to 'Blank page', which will say 'This page is intentionally left blank'. Don't panic! It should redirect in a moment (without you doing anything) to a page listing all the articles that are in both the categories you selected. If it doesn't do that, you haven't turned the category intersection tool on properly. Your results page should look like this:

Category intersection results

For your convenience, here's category intersections for:

You don't have to only pick one of those intersections! They're just suggestions.

Advanced: intersecting more than two categories

In order to do this, ignore everything you've just read because none of it applies. You'll probably want to use a workbench or some other user subpage for this. To do it, you use DPL because you can't do it manually or with a template. Instead of directing you to another page, DPL is going to give you every result in a list on the page you put the code. Because that can be a very long list, you can put the DPL code inside a scrollbox, like this:

    category = Females
    category = Humans
    category = Jedi of the Jedi Order
    resultsheader = \nNumber of articles = %PAGES%\n

Which is going to result in this:

It's worth noting that a DPL query on Wook is never going to return more than 500 results, so you'll have to either pick different categories if you want to see all the options, or narrow it down by other means. You can go here or here for more ways to use DPL, including ways to narrow the results. For instance, you could narrow an intersection of Females + Humans + Legends (which is an intersection that returns 500 results) by specifying only titles that begin with 'A', with titlematch=A%:

    category = Females
    category = Humans
    category = Legends articles
    resultsheader = \nNumber of articles = %PAGES%\n

Articles to fix[]

Once you've looked at them and fixed them as you're able, please move them down to the table! If you can't find anything wrong with them, that's okay too -- they might have been fixed up already but someone forgot to move them down to the table. Feel free to add others you find!

Articles that have already been checked[]

There's no point in people going over the same articles endlessly, so you can edit in the ones you've done here. Since this is a new process for many of us, we think it's a good idea to have a second pair of eyes on our work.

Article Revised Reviewed Notes
Wikitext article name Signature Signature Example
Corinna A'Daasha HeadSpikesWalls (she/they) (talk!) 15:45, 14 November 2022 (UTC) Example Example
Kandria A'Daasha HeadSpikesWalls (she/they) (talk!) 15:45, 14 November 2022 (UTC) Example Example
Tràkata HeadSpikesWalls (she/they) RainbowRebellion2 (talk!) 21:39, 5 January 2023 (UTC) Example Example
Greer Sonnel Minnabird Naboo (talk) 04:02, 31 January 2023 (UTC) Example Example
Example Example Example Example