


WP:KOTOR Meeting 5 was held 18th December 2010 23:00 UTC in the #WP:KOTOR IRC channel.




  • Timestamps are at UTC+2
01:07 < Jedi_Kasra> OK... welcome to Project Meeting #5.
01:07 <+DarthRage> YEEEEAAAAH! WOOOH!....sorry
01:08 < Nayayen> Let's do this thing
01:08 < Jedi_Kasra> Before we begin, I wanna say that it is unfortunate that our project leader, Cylka, is absent, and hopefully she will be able to resume her leadership duties soon.
01:08 <+DarthRage> Internet issues? hmm
01:10 < Jedi_Kasra> As leader in her absence, this meeting is taking place to talk about a few things... I wanna welcome Qui-GonJinn and Oli, Holocron, Brandon Rhea, Darth Lecan, and Master Fred to the project.
01:10 < Jedi_Kasra> Though the aforementioned members are not here, yet.
01:11 <+Tm_T> Fred said hi a bit earlier (:
01:11 <+DarthRage> Brandon works for wikia, so he might be working.
01:12 < Jedi_Kasra> Secondly, I believe in letting other members participate actively in the project, and displaying their proficiency. As such, the rest of tonight's meeting will be led by Tm_T, who has established himself as a dedicated member of WP:KOTOR.
01:12 < Jedi_Kasra> I now hand it off to you, Tm.
01:12 <+Tm_T> thank you (:)
01:12 < Jedi_Kasra> Anytime.
01:13 <+Tm_T> soo, it's been relatively quiet autumn, so I wanted to raise two topics to bit more interactive discussion
01:13 < Jedi_Kasra> Cool.
01:13 <+Tm_T> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Forum:Battle_articles_and_Exiles_adventures
01:14 <+Tm_T> it's not clear how the events from the KOTOR games should be represented as battle articles, and for which encounters or duels should have their own article
01:15 <+Tm_T> just as an example: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Skirmish_aboard_the_Visionary
01:16 < Jedi_Kasra> That is tricky...
01:16 <+Tm_T> that article is currently collection of fights that are related and happens in the game in a row
01:16 < Nayayen> On the whole, I think anything that particularly leads into it should be included.
01:16 <+Tm_T> ye, I think all what is there now, should be in that article
01:16 < Jedi_Kasra> Certainly the Exile handing the Ubese's butts to them.
01:17 < Nayayen> In that specific case, it makes the prelude roughly the same size as the rest of the article.
01:17 <+Tm_T> what is not clear, if any parts what is there now, should be further detailed in separate article
01:17 < Jedi_Kasra> That could work...
01:18 <+Tm_T> Nayayen: indeed, and I did my best to keep the prelude as short as possible, so there's lots of details omitted
01:18 < Jedi_Kasra> "Mission to Nar Shaddaa"?
01:18 < Nayayen> Per Kasra, it doesn't really need to be only about the stuff on the /Visionary/
01:18 <+Tm_T> I agree on that
01:19 < Nayayen> Sorry, in that the rest of it should be in the actual "battle" (or in this case, probably "mission") part of the article. Not Prelude.
01:20 <+DarthRage> In essence, you want to merge small battles that deal with the same event, into one article? Correct me if I am wrong
01:20 <+JethLordMaster> Personally I don't think we need a ton of separate articles
01:20 <+JethLordMaster> I'd support a comprehensive Mission to Nar Shaddaa article
01:20 <+Tm_T> DarthRage: currently they are one article
01:21 < Nayayen> This one is a bit more clear cut, and I think what Tm is getting at: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Battle_of_Dantooine_(First_Jedi_Purge)
01:21 <+Tm_T> yup
01:21 < Jedi_Kasra> Indeed.
01:22 <+Tm_T> the battle article has to be comprehensive, but should separate parts of the larger battle be further detailed in individual article?
01:22 <+DarthRage> This battle has many different choice opportunities. Fix the turrets; sabotage them. etc
01:22 <+Tm_T> or the battle article be as detailed as possible?
01:23 < Nayayen> I think detail the battle article more.
01:23 < Nayayen> The sort of splitting we're talking about here would be more suited to the whole Jedi Purge article IMO
01:23 < Nayayen> (which it has)
01:23 < Jedi_Kasra> That's true, Light-side is assumed, and 100% game completion is also assumed. Unless otherwise specified in a source, such as CSWE.
01:24 < Jedi_Kasra> All other options are listed in BTS,
01:24 < Jedi_Kasra> "."
01:24 <+Tm_T> so we try to avoid small fight articles and concentrate on the main battles and include what can into those?
01:25 < Jedi_Kasra> I think that's a good idea, yes.
01:25 < Nayayen> For the Visionary (or, Nar Shaddaa if we expand it like that), you'd be hard pressed to really have, say, the Twin Suns duel with Atton as a separate article. For example.
01:25 < Nayayen> So yeah, per Kasra.
01:25 < Jedi_Kasra> This might help, I've been working on this... http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Duel_on_the_Star_Forge
01:26 <+Tm_T> Jedi_Kasra: indeed, that is notable duel so separate article is warranted
01:26 <+DarthRage> Major events/battles with mentioning/info of smaller battles derived from it, basically. I am not dumb, I just want to make sure I understand the development.
01:27 < Jedi_Kasra> Yes, many have argues it should be merged with Battle of Rakata Prime, but it's clear now that it's a separate event, even other sourcebooks treat it as such.
01:27 <+Tm_T> in KOTOR there's notable duels only in the Ravager (Nihilius) and Malachor (Sion and Traya)?
01:29 < Nayayen> With the Ravager, the prelude would pretty much be the stuff with setting the charges before hand. It's the same sort of thing as the Star Forge duel
01:29 < Jedi_Kasra> The duels between Traya and Sion don't have their articles, though...
01:29 <+Tm_T> Jedi_Kasra: yet
01:29 < Jedi_Kasra> And the duel with Nihilus is treated as part of the battle of Telos IV, right?
01:29 <+Tm_T> Jedi_Kasra: ye
01:30 < Jedi_Kasra> Hmm...
01:31 <+Tm_T> as I'm planning to get these KOTOR2 battle articles into some reasonable shape as I tend to hear people asking links to Exile's fights often
01:31 < Jedi_Kasra> That's a good idea.
01:31 <+Tm_T> I'm trying to get some rough "project concensus" what would have an article and what not
01:32 <+Tm_T> so I don't have to say "it doesn
01:32 <+Tm_T> doesn't have" (:
01:32 <+Tm_T> this ought to help all the others too
01:33 < Jedi_Kasra> Yes.
01:34 < Nayayen> Anything more on this?
01:34 <+Tm_T> nothing but yes/no for separate articles for sith triumviate duels
01:34 < Jedi_Kasra> Hey guys, if I disconnect, it's because I need to find an outlet for my laptop... So you'll be in Tm's capable hands while I find one.
01:34 <+Tm_T> I'd say yes
01:35 < Jedi_Kasra> There needs to be something, I'd vote yes for Sith Triumvirate duels.
01:35 <+JethLordMaster> Yes
01:35 <+DarthRage> sounds good to me.
01:35  * Tm_T adds them to his todo
01:36 <+Tm_T> next item raised: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Forum:Citing_dates_in_the_Old_Republic_era
01:37 < Jedi_Kasra> I've been using the KotOR CG for that, for articles based on the game, such as Malak.
01:37 < Jedi_Kasra> Since it's go the timeline and all. :)
01:37 <+DarthRage> I just wanted to throw this out there,  I am not editing as much as i did at one point, anymore. I will try to be on occasionally, but I have things to do, and life to live. I hope you guys understand. I am not quiting entirely, but am not editing as much.
01:38 < Jedi_Kasra> I understand, man... We all have lives, though you can make an argument that I don't.
01:38 <+Tm_T> DarthRage: it's ok, you do what you can and we're happy with it (:
01:39 < Jedi_Kasra> That's righ.
01:39 < Jedi_Kasra> "right"
01:39 <+Tm_T> per that discussion, I'm wondering if we should have some kind of common resource that we can use for checking what sources can be used to source what
01:39 <+Tm_T> or if this is even feasible
01:40 < Nayayen> We sort of do for the female Exile stuff on the main project page
01:40 <+Tm_T> (and we should do some work on sourcing the year articles related to us)
01:40 <+DarthRage> hmm. I don't know if it is possible, but it sounds like a good idea
01:40 < Jedi_Kasra> Agreed.
01:41 < Nayayen> I think a page for recommended sources for obscure-to-source common facts/events/dates/etc  would be a good idea.
01:41 <+DarthRage> motion seconded
01:42 < Jedi_Kasra> Aye.
01:42 < Jedi_Kasra> And I'll (try to) be back. See ya soon!
01:42 -!- Jedi_Kasra has left #WP:KOTOR []
01:42 <+Tm_T> every comic issue does have a year for their "current time" stated, right?
01:42 < Nayayen> Yeah, on the inside cover
01:43 < Nayayen> You can extrapolate a lot of dates for past events from that when it says "8 years ago..." or something like that
01:43 <+Tm_T> yup, so basicly we need a list of sources for dates that aren't directly stated in the appearance
01:44 < Nayayen> Just dates?
01:44 <+Tm_T> oh, for the other stuff too, yes
01:45 < Nayayen> That said, I can't think of anything else like that off the bat
01:46 <+Tm_T> well, contradictions could be one
01:47 < Nayayen> Trayus would be good at this, I'm sure Chatinque would be full of obscure references like that.
01:48 <+Tm_T> I'll set up a page and we'll see then what kind of stuff it collects over time (:
01:48 < Nayayen> *Chantique, rather
01:49 < Nayayen> Sounds good
01:50 -!- DarthRage|eating has joined #WP:KOTOR
01:50 -!- mode/#WP:KOTOR [+v DarthRage|eating] by ChanServ
01:50 <+Tm_T> soo, do we have something else?
01:51 <+JethLordMaster> there was the welcoming of new members
01:51 <+DarthRage|eating> stupid internet. Hang on
01:51 <+JethLordMaster> but none of them are here
01:51 <+JethLordMaster> so...
01:51 -!- DarthRage has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
01:51 -!- DarthRage|eating is now known as DarthRage
01:51 <+Tm_T> nothing you guys want to raise?
01:52 < Nayayen> Not for the meeting at least
01:52 <+JethLordMaster> Nothing I can think of
01:52 <+DarthRage> heh. Unless the newcomers are imaginary friends, I don't think we can do anything on that
01:53 <+Tm_T> Meeting closed, thank you all for participation (: