

Wookieepedia > Wookieepedia:Inquisitorius > Inq/Undercity sewers

Undercity sewers[]

Things to do[]

  • Intro expansion.
  • Possible BTS expansion.
  • General polishing.
    • Intro doneish? Woke up to this a bit late so if all's not ready, gimme more time (and a bit nudge to right direction). --Tm_T (Talk) 00:49, August 7, 2010 (UTC)

Removal of FA status[]


Ok, I've made a general list of things that I've noticed in a cursory look.

  • 3,956 BBY needs a source. KOTOR is not the source for that date. In the least, there needs to be a footnote that explains the connection between the date and game.
    • Added KotOR Campaign Guide, which has the timeline for the Great Sith War, Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Civil War, Dark Wars.—Jedi Kasra (comlink) 17:04, September 3, 2010 (UTC)
  • General speculation and fanoneering throughout the article. Examples:
    • 4,056 BBY is speculative, and needs to be more in prosody rather than a hard date, as it is not a hard date.
      • It's based on interactions with one of the damaged droids in the sewers. I'll see if I can find the exact entry from the dialog.tlk file. --Imperialles 16:24, September 3, 2010 (UTC)
        • Scratch that, it's anon crap. --Imperialles 16:33, September 3, 2010 (UTC)
        • Rukil mentions that the polluting and consequal civil war happened "a century ago". --Tm_T (Talk) 16:59, September 3, 2010 (UTC)
          • Great find. Still, "4,056 BBY" is a wee bit specific. --Imperialles 17:03, September 3, 2010 (UTC)
            • Adressed. --Tm_T (Talk) 21:08, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
    • Nothing in KOTOR says that the undercity was unscathed by the bombardment.
      • Gone. --Tm_T (Talk) 21:08, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
    • Finally, the "Upper Sewers" and "Lower Sewers" are speculative titles, if I remember correctly. That needs to be rectified.
      • I am fairly certain those are the actual area names within the game. --Imperialles 16:24, September 3, 2010 (UTC)
        • Yes, used in game. --Tm_T (Talk) 16:59, September 3, 2010 (UTC)
  • The history of the sewers needs to be cleaned up as far as the timeline of it.
    • Should be done. --Tm_T (Talk) 21:08, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
  • Smattering of non-encyclopedic tone. Examples:
    • Too many em dash clauses in the one history paragraph.
    • Generally colloquial writing like "ended up dead"
      • These should be done. --Tm_T (Talk) 21:08, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
  • The "Promised Land"/Rukil thing needs to be expanded.
    • Expanded. --Tm_T (Talk) 21:08, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
  • I'm also not convinced that there is nothing in the KOTOR comics about the sewers. I'm pretty certain there is, so that needs to be double-checked. There is a connection when the rakghoul plague makes its appearance, if I remember correctly.
    • AFAIK there's nothing about the sewers in the comics. Comics prolly has information of Muur Talisman being the source of those beasts and it being in the undercity. KOTOR RPG says rakghouls existed hundreds of years before 4 000 BBY, worth including? --Tm_T (Talk) 16:59, September 3, 2010 (UTC)
    • I double checked the comics and it just talks about the Undercity, but nothing specifically about the sewers. Cylka-talk- 16:50, September 8, 2010 (UTC)
  • The Bts is shallow. There needs to be a few more sentences, as gameplay alternatives should to be addressed.
  • Fiolli {Alpheridies University ComNet} 13:45, August 13, 2010 (UTC)