



  • Nominated by: AmazinglyCool Nightsisters symbol - JFO (talk) 04:51, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
  • Nomination comments: Sold my soul to write up a Wookieepedia page about 20 years of retcons :P
  • Word count at nomination time: 3877 words (364 introduction, 1899 body, 1614 behind the scenes)
  • WookieeProject (optional): WP:ALIENS, WP:NOVELS, WP:TCW

(0 Inqs/1 Users/1 Total)

(Votes required: 3 Inq vote(s) required to reach minimum. Additional 3 user or 2 Inq votes required to pass.)


  1. - Thannus (DFaceG) (he/him) (talk) 02:40, 23 June 2024 (UTC)


  • The intro effectively mentions the capability of growing hair being a sexually dimorphic trait twice, which is redundant. One should be removed. - Thannus (DFaceG) (he/him) (talk) 06:03, 6 May 2024 (UTC)
  • Speaking of the sexually dimorphic traits, these would be a result of the different biological sexes of the species, not their gender. A transfem Dathomirian would likely naturally still have head horns and be unable to grow hair, for example. (I'm assuming you're aware of this, this is more me pointing out the language used to describe their sexual dimorphism) - Thannus (DFaceG) (he/him) (talk) 06:03, 6 May 2024 (UTC)
    • I just looked over it again, can you let me know the specific spots where I used incorrect language? AmazinglyCool Nightsisters symbol - JFO (talk) 01:15, 7 May 2024 (UTC)
      • I'm specifically suggesting against using just "males" and "females" to refer to individuals with the sexually dimorphic traits. I don't think that terms like afab/amab exist in-universe but perhaps you could find a way to convey that the traits are attributed to individuals assigned those genders at birth rather than all individuals of those genders. - Thannus (DFaceG) (he/him) (talk) 19:04, 17 May 2024 (UTC)


  • Hi, congratulations, it's one of the most impressive work I have seen lately. Nevertheless, I would like to point something that raise concern to me. It's about the retcon of Gethzerion as a Dathomoirian. I don't have problem with such retcons usually but here it appears problematic for me. The old sources clearly indicate that Gethzerion is a member of the Djo family, a family of Humans... I think the authors of the Reader's Companion just forgot that point when they made the retcon. It's indeed possible to imagine that Augwynne Djo found a Zabrak at some point to have child with him... And therefore Gethzerion would be the only non-human of the family but this would be completely at odds with the spirit of the original novel. I'm curious to see the general opinion about that but, in my opinion, I really think we should assume that the retcon is a mistake. Best, Hk 47 (talk) 13:04, 6 May 2024 (UTC)
    • Well it being at "odds with the spirit of the original novel" doesn't mean it's incorrect. As you pointed out, there is a way it can work without much issue so I think it's better to assume the retcon is fine and keep moving forward. AmazinglyCool Nightsisters symbol - JFO (talk) 01:15, 7 May 2024 (UTC)