

Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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Vorlag was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories that was the cavernous homeworld of the sentient Vorlaggn species. A palace existed on the planet that was owned by the crime lord Slussen Urla-fir Kal Kethin-wa Canker.


A native Vorlaggn named Slussen Urla-fir Kal Kethin-wa Canker had a palace built in the immense caverns of the planet.[3]

Society and culture[]

The primary species on the planet were the Vorlaggn. They had three eyes and spoke in third person, which often confused people of a different species. One of the members of the species, Slussen Urla-fir Kal Kethin-wa Canker, was a crime lord who owned a fortress on Vorlag.[3]



Notes and references[]

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