


System: Usean II. The lrashtash is an
[sic] herbivore that evolved on the third world where I was stationed."
―Personal notes of Wilek Nereus[2]

Usean II was an Outer Rim Territories world located in the Tunka sector. It was home to the rocket grass plant and the herbivore lrashtash, which had large incisor-like teeth to frighten predators. At some point, when the Imperial Wilek Nereus was stationed on Usean II, he added a set of lrashtash teeth to his dental collection. Later, when Nereus was asked about the origin of the teeth, he claimed they were from an "Useani camnzin," a predator he invented for his own entertainment and that of his inquirers.


"The lrashtash, however, is an equatorial herbivore. Its huge bluffing teeth are not even used to gnaw down its primary food plants (tall woody stalks locally called 'rocket grass')."
―Personal notes of Wilek Nereus[2]

Usean II was a terrestrial world that occupied the second orbital position[2] in the Usean system, a part of the Outer Rim Territories' Tunka sector.[1] Its flora included the plant the local inhabitants referred to as rocket grass, and the world's equatorial zone was home to the lrashtash, a species of herbivores that had a set of incisor-like teeth to frighten away predators.[2]


"For my own entertainment and others' enjoyment, I invented a sport species — the Useani camnzin, a mountain dweller that wiped out several herbivorous species in the green valleys of Usean II's equatorial zone."
―Personal notes of Wilek Nereus[2]

Wilek Nereus once collected a set of teeth belonging to the Usean II herbivore lrashtash.

At some point before his death in 4 ABY,[4] Wilek Nereus, who eventually became the Imperial Governor of[2] the Wild Space[5] planet Bakura, was stationed on Usean II. There, Nereus obtained a set of lrashtash teeth to add to his dental collection. As soon as he was transferred to the Berea system,[2] in the Elrood sector,[6] visitors began to ask Nereus about the origin of the teeth.[2]

For his own entertainment—as well as that of the inquirers—Nereus invented the creature "Useani camnzin." According to the collector, the large pseudo-incisors belonged to the camnzin, which supposedly was a predator inhabiting Usean II's mountains. Nereus further claimed that the Useani camnzin was responsible for eliminating several of the herbivore species living in the green valleys of that world's equatorial regions. Later, Nereus included a mention of Usean II in an entry of his personal notes dedicated to the lrashtash.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Usean II was first mentioned in The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook, a 1996 sourcebook published for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[2] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Usean system, and therefore Usean II, in grid square I-18.[3]


Notes and references[]

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