


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"Any systems nearby?"
"Closest one's about a quarter light-year directly ahead."
―Dubrak Qennto and Maris Ferasi[1]

An Unknown Regions star system with a yellow sun was situated around 250 light-years from the border of Wild Space. In 27 BBY, the light freighter Bargain Hunter arrived in the star system after it had been stranded in the Unknown Regions by a malfunctioning hyperdrive during a pursuit by the crime lord Progga's starship.

Progga followed the Bargain Hunter to the system; however, the two starships were then intercepted by a Chiss Expansionary Fleet unit led by Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, also known as Thrawn. Disabling the Bargain Hunter and destroying Progga's ship, the Chiss invited the crew of the former aboard Thrawn's cruiser, where the Bargain Hunter's crewmembers made first contact with the Chiss. The Chiss subsequently took the Bargain Hunter and its crew for closer inspection at their base in the Crustai system.


"You figure out yet where we are, Maris?"
"Computer's still working on it. But it looks like we're about two hundred fifty light-years into Unknown Space."
―Dubrak Qennto and Maris Ferasi[1]

A star system with a small yellow sun was located in the Unknown Regions, approximately 250 light-years from that region's border with Wild Space.[1]


Out of Hutt clutches…[]

"This is the lone star system along this vector; and behold, you are here. What could you have run to but a secret base and treasure hoard?"
―Progga, to Dubrak Qennto[1]

The star system was the closest to the point where the Bargain Hunter emerged from a blind hyperspace jump into the Unknown Regions.

In 27 BBY,[3] the light freighter Bargain Hunter, crewed by the Human traders and smugglers Captain Dubrak Qennto, Maris Ferasi, and Jorj Car'das, was transporting a shipment of firegems intended for[1] the crime lord[4] Drixo. The latter's rival, Progga, attempted to hijack the shipment, pursuing Qennto's freighter in his own starship. During the chase, Car'das, not having the time to plot a proper hyperspace jump for the Bargain Hunter to use to escape its pursuer, instead suggested to Qennto a course randomly aimed at the largest apparent area with no visible stars in it. As a result, the freighter jumped from the edges of known space toward the Unknown Regions, where problems with the starship's hyperdrive eventually left it stranded.[1]

Qennto, claiming to dislike interstellar space, inquired as to the proximity of any nearby star systems. Ferasi replied by pointing out the system with the yellow sun due to it being the nearest to their position at only approximately a quarter of a light-year further along their jump vector. Reasoning that the system could potentially have planets that could serve them as a source of supplies—and, not completely sincerely, wondering whether it could also serve as a temporary place of refuge for them from life in the Galactic Republic space—Qennto piloted the ship to the system by using its backup hyperdrive.[1]

…into the arms of Chiss[]

«The base isn't far.»
«Is it in this system? Sorry, sorry—none of my business.»
«True. However, it will do no harm to tell you that it's in a different system entirely.»
―Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo and Dubrak Qennto[1]

In the star system, the crew of the Bargain Hunter made first contact with the Chiss, including Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo (pictured).

Shortly after the Bargain Hunter arrived in the system, Progga also arrived there. The gangster believed that the system's lonely location along the freighter's vector indicated that Qennto had traveled toward a hidden base where he maintained a cache of treasure, and Progga promptly demanded that the captain lead him to that facility. Unnoticed by the two vessels, three ships of Picket Force Two of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet under the command of Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, also known as Thrawn, were also present in the system. The lead Chiss ship, the attack cruiser Springhawk, monitored the transmissions between Progga's vessel and the Bargain Hunter while the Chiss force positioned itself to intercept the two ships. The Chiss used a shock net to disable the light freighter and set one of their smaller craft to guard it. Meanwhile, Progga's ship initiated a fight in which the Chiss soon destroyed the vessel.[1]

The Bargain Hunter was then invited to approach the Springhawk, with the former's crew boarding the latter and meeting Thrawn. The two parties introduced themselves to each other; Thrawn inquired as to the identity and purpose of arrival of both Qennto's crew and Progga's ship. Thrawn then informed the Humans that the Chiss would be taking their freighter to Picket Force Two's base for closer inspection. To Qennto's question whether the facility was located inside the same system they were in Thrawn responded in the negative, and during the conversation the Chiss vessels made a hyperspace jump to the Crustai system, the site of the base.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The star system appeared in the 2006 novel Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn.[1] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas indirectly placed the system in grid square I-7.[2]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Outbound Flight
  2. 2.0 2.1 Using the information presented in Outbound Flight about the distance of the star system from the point where the Bargain Hunter emerged after making a blind hyperspace jump and the distance of said point from the Wild Space-Unknown Regions border, combined with the visual depiction of the latter distance given in the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, the star system can be placed in what The Essential Atlas identifies as grid square I-7.
  3. The Essential Reader's Companion dates the events of Outbound Flight to 27 BBY.
  4. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. I, p. 208 ("Drixo the Hutt")