

For other uses, see Unidentified artifact.

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

During the Galactic Civil War, a millennia-old Sith artifact was stored on the planet Jagomir. It was located in a chamber situated in caverns that lay behind the Shimmering Falls. Left behind by the ancient Sith who once sought refuge on the planet, the artifact was eventually retrieved by a group of Rebel Alliance agents.


An unusual yet highly valuable crystal-shaped device, the Sith artifact was inscribed with indecipherable hieroglyphics, and its purpose was not readily apparent to an observer.[1]



The Sith artifact was located in a chamber situated behind the Shimmering Falls (pictured).

Millennia before the Galactic Civil War, the planet Jagomir served as a refuge for members of the Sith tradition of Force-users who were fleeing the many conflicts of their society. Inside a series of caverns located behind the massive waterfall known as the Shimmering Falls, the Sith established a burial ground and placed the artifact, which held clues to a powerful weapon, in a locked chamber there. The caverns' location was eventually passed on in the form of legend.[1]

By the time of the Galactic Civil War, both the Galactic Empire and its enemy, the Rebel Alliance, were seeking the weapon, leading the Alliance's Senior Advisor Setenna Hase to carry out anthropological research on Jagomir after a Rebel base was established there following the Battle of Yavin. In order to distract a group of Rebel agents from investigating the potential presence of a traitor in the base, Hase's field assistant, Var Narek—secretly an Imperial spy—encouraged his superior to follow up on the legend about the Sith burial grounds. Consequently, Hase tasked the team with locating the site. Eventually discovering the caverns, the Rebels managed to enter the locked chamber and retrieve the artifact.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Onslaught at Arda I

The Sith artifact was introduced in Onslaught at Arda I.

The Sith artifact was mentioned in the 2014 roleplaying adventure Onslaught at Arda I, published for use with Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying system. In the adventure, the exact nature of the artifact is left up to the gamemaster player to decide upon, and this article assumes one example of the item's story significance presented in the product as having applied in-universe. Alternatively, the adventure also suggests that, upon retrieval of the artifact, the Rebel Alliance may be willing to sell it to academic or underworld organizations in exchange for extensive funds that would help keep the Alliance cell based on Jagomir solvent for at least one more standard year.[1]


Notes and references[]
