

Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"There is one thing that even Lord Sidious has not been able to find—an ancient Jedi artifact which continues to elude him."
Count Dooku[2]

A valuable[1] and ancient Jedi artifact was once stored in the Jedi temple of the Moon of Staggec in the Outer Rim Territories.[2] The item was blue.[1] The temple was eventually left ruined and abandoned.[2] The artifact ended up in the possession of Senator Yarua, who worked in the Galactic Senate of the Galactic Republic as the representative of[1] the Mid Rim planet[3] Kashyyyk,[1] where the artifact remained for some time. During the Clone Wars between the Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, Count Dooku, Head of State of the Confederacy and Sith apprentice to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, lusted after the artifact to use against his Sith Master.[2]

Dooku dispatched General Grievous to acquire the artifact[2] from Yarua. Under the impression he was meeting with the Moon of Staggec delegation to negotiate their allegiance to the Republic, Yarua promised to give them the artifact, thereby giving it[1] to its previous home.[2] However, upon realizing that he had fallen into a Separatist trap, he hid the item inside a doll owned by his daughter, Viiveenn, and sent her to hid in a forest. Yarua later sacrificed himself to save his daughter from Separatist Grievous, and Yarua's allies in the Republic arranged for her to be returned to Kashyyyk. As only Viiveenn had known her father hid it, it was assumed lost by the Republic, although in fact it remained in the doll carried by Viiveenn.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The item was created for Hyperspace Stories 1, which was written by Amanda Deibert and illustrated by Lucas Marangon.[1] Prior to the comic's release on August 24, 2022,[4] the item was first mentioned on July 22 of that year in a blog post on StarWars.com covering a panel at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim where the comic had been first revealed. The blog post had slightly different coloring, instead depicting the artifact as white.[5]



Notes and references[]
