


"Drink? Captain Dicto has ordered the finest vintage from his homeworld of Tristall to celebrate the first voyage of the Halcyon free of the Empire's yoke."
"Cheers to that."
―A server offering Tristall wine to Han Solo and Leia Organa, with Solo taking a glass[1]

Tristall wine was a green wine from the astronomical object Tristall made from emerald grapes and was potable by humans. By 0 BBY, the Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa shared a bottle of the wine with her family at a private celebration of a little victory against the Galactic Empire.

In 4 ABY, Oswin Dicto—the captain of the Star Cruiser Halcyon—ordered the wine to be served aboard the ship during its first voyage free of the Empire's control. Organa and her husband, Han Solo—who were having their honeymoon aboard the Halcyon—both took a glass of the wine, though only Solo ultimately drank the beverage.


Tristall wine was a type of green wine that originated from the astronomical object Tristall. It was made from emerald grapes, could be served in glasses, and was potable by humans. Despite both beverages being made from emerald grapes, the human Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa considered the wine to be sweeter than Alderaanian wine, a wine from her homeworld, the planet Alderaan. According to Organa, the bubbles and fizz of Tristall wine gave it a different taste to the flat wine she had drank on Alderaan.[1]


―Leia Organa, swapping her glass of Tristall wine with her husband's empty glass[1]

By 0 BBY,[2] the Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa shared a bottle of Tristall wine with her family at a private celebration of a little victory over the Galactic Empire.[1]

The Princess and the Scoundrel character art

Leia Organa and Han Solo were offered Tristall wine while they had their honeymoon aboard the Halcyon.

In 4 ABY,[3] after the Star Cruiser Halcyon was reclaimed from the Empire's possession by an Anzellan family, the ship's captain Oswin Dicto—a native of Tristall—ordered the wine be served aboard the Halcyon during the ship's maiden voyage free of Imperial control. At the same time, Organa was aboard the Halcyon for her honeymoon with her husband, Rebel Alliance General Han Solo. While the couple were in the ship's Atrium, they were approached by a server carrying a tray of glasses of Tristall wine. The server invited the general and the princess to take a glass and informed them of Dicto's request for the beverage to be served aboard the Halcyon.[1]

Solo and Organa both took a glass, though the latter did not raise hers to her lips and instead thought about how the drink was sweeter than Alderaanian wine and how its bubbles and fizz would give it a different taste to the wine she had drank on Alderaan. The princess recalled the last time she had drank Tristall wine—the private celebration with her family—and noted that regardless of how sweet the wine was, she knew it would be bitter on her tongue. Solo, meanwhile, drank his glass and afterward Organa swapped her glass with his. The princess noted that her husband looked as though he was about to question her, but he instead shrugged and took the glass. Organa then placed the empty glass onto a tray and led Solo toward the Atrium's center.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Tristall wine appeared in The Princess and the Scoundrel, a 2022 novel written by Beth Revis.[1]


Notes and references[]
