

For other uses, see Tom (disambiguation).
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Brandon Connors (left) and Tom Spina (right)

Tom Spina helped Pablo Hidalgo exhibit the "Behind the Scenes of the Cantina" panel at Celebration VI,[1] which named Braconnor Bakiska after fan Brandon Connors, and artists Rick Baker and Laine Liska.[2]

From the official Celebration VI Collecting Track Program: "Tom's collecting started with Kenner toys and Don Post masks in the 1970's and progressed to original screen used props and wardrobe, with a focus on the Cantina sequence from A New Hope. A New York based professional sculptor and FX artist, his company, Tom Spina Designs, recently helped recreate that famous scene, bringing iconic characters back to life for Volkswagen's 2012 Super Bowl commercial, 'the Dog Strikes Back.' You may have also seen their work in the form of authentic Star Wars creations for Sideshow Collectibles or spotted their now infamous Han Solo in Carbonite Desk. Tom's passion for original movie memorabilia led to the creation of his business, which offers private collectors museum-worthy services: incredible mannequins and displays, sculpture and theming, and groundbreaking work preserving and restoring original film props and costumes."


Notes and references[]

  1. TwitterLogo Pablo Hidalgo (@infinata) on Twitter (content obsolete and backup link not available)
  2. Celebration VI—"Behind the Scenes of the Cantina" panel as verified by Wookieepedian jSarek, who made sure the spellings listed here are correct.
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