


"I admit, I had my doubts about you at first, but that changed when you turned this over to me. You were wise not to be deceived by Kazuda Xiono's lies. Those who betray us…"
"Become our enemy."
"You know, I wasn't born into the First Order. For years, I scraped by under the rule of the New Republic. But I knew I was meant for more. I brought you here because I saw the same potential in you, and you've surpassed all my expectations."
―Tierny and Tamara Ryvora in the office[2]

Tierny's office was an office maintained by the First Order Security Bureau Agent Tierny on the First Order's Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Thunderer by the time of the First Order-Resistance War. During the Thunderer's hunt for the Colossus supertanker fuel depot in 34 ABY, the agent stored the personal comlink of First Order cadet Tamara Ryvora in the office. When Ryvora later conversed with Tierny in the office, she took note of where Tierny had stored the device.

Later, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren used the Force to make Tierny and Commander Pyre hold each other at blaster-point as they stood in the room. When defecting from the First Order, Ryvora stole her comlink from the office with the help of MSE-6 series repair droid 5-L. The room and the rest of the Thunderer were ultimately destroyed in the Barabesh system during a battle against the Resistance.


Tierny's office[3] was the personal office of the First Order Security Bureau's Agent Tierny aboard the First Order Resurgent-class Star Destroyer[2] Thunderer.[4] The room featured paneled gray walls, a black floor, and a wide viewport. Tierny's office also included two illuminated, transparent cases on opposite walls holding[3] her[5] personal weapon collection, which consisted of five bladed weapons, four rifles, and one blaster. Near the space's viewport, Tierny had a black, semicircle-shaped desk[3] that featured storage compartments[2] and a holoprojector.[6]


Heart to heart[]

"Supreme Leader Ren. While—while its whereabouts are still unknown, we are already working on a solution to that problem, Supreme Leader."
"Your list of failures is long, Agent Tierny. I will not suffer the existence of any Resistance cell, no matter how small. If you are not capable of dealing with them, then I will find someone who can.
"We understand, Supreme Leader."
"Do you?"
―Tierny and Kylo Ren, with the former in the office[6]

By the time of the First Order-Resistance War, Tierny maintained a personal office aboard the Thunderer.[2] In 34 ABY,[7] First Order cadet Tamara Ryvora turned in[8] her[4] personal comlink to her superiors so they could use it in their hunt for the supertanker fuel depot Colossus. Though the Thunderer's initial attempt to destroy the vessel was unsuccessful,[8] Tierny stored the comlink in her office.[2]


Kylo Ren forced Tierny and Pyre to aim blasters at each other in the office, disappointed in their failure to find the Colossus.

Not long afterward,[2] the same year,[9] Tierny called Ryvora to her office to question the latter's loyalty and commitment to the First Order. The agent expounded on her personal backstory to the cadet, fiddling with Ryvora's comlink after taking it out of the office's desk drawer. As Tierny admitted that she had originally had doubts about Ryvora, the cadet took note of where the agent placed the device upon returning it to the drawer. When the Thunderer arrived at[2] the Outer Rim[10] planet Dantooine to confront Resistance operatives, the agent dismissed the cadet from the room.[2]

Not long after, Tierny and Commander Pyre reported their successful decimation of the Aeos system to General Armitage Hux in the office via hologram. However, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren took Hux's place in the projection and berated Tierny and Pyre for their continued failure to find the Colossus, forcing the pair to draw their blasters and point them at each other with the Force. After being released from the Force's grasp, Tierny and Pyre resolved to double their efforts and left the room.[6]

Comlink stolen[]

"Thanks, 5-L. You did great."
[5-L beeps]
"I hope it's still here."
―Tamara Ryvora and 5-L as they snuck into the office to acquire the former's comlink[6]

Tamara Ryvora and 5-L snuck into the office to steal the former's comlink from its desk.

Moments after their departure, Ryvora used the reprogrammed MSE-6 series repair droid 5-L to sneak into the agent's office and take her comlink from the room's desk, intending to flee the First Order. When Tierny returned to her office, she was distracted by 5-L's presence, allowing Ryvora to slip from the room as the agent questioned the droid, who only beeped at her before hurrying away.[6]

After Ryvora's training squadron hyperspace jumped to the planet Castilon—the Colossus's original home—Tierny became suspicious of the recruit's intent and went to her office. After discovering the cadet had taken her personal comlink, she surmised Ryvora's plan to rendezvous with her former colleagues and instructed the Thunderer to travel to Castilon. Not long afterward, the office—along with the rest of the Thunderer—was destroyed in the Barabesh system during a battle against the Colossus.[6]

Behind the scenes[]


Concept artwork of the office by Colas Gauthier

The office first appeared in "Rebuilding the Resistance,"[2] the seventeenth episode of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on January 19, 2020.[11] The location was first identified in the episode's corresponding concept art gallery as Tierny's office. For "Rebuilding the Resistance," Lucasfilm Animation artist Colas Gauthier completed two pieces of concept artwork for Tierny's office—one of the room aboard the Thunderer and one for the weapons displayed in the room's wall cases, which were both attributed to September 20, 2018.[3] In the episode's early development, the scene in the office would have commenced the episode to form the teaser before the title but was ultimately replaced.[12]


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