

For other uses, see Cataclysm (disambiguation).

The capitalization in this article's title is conjectural.

Although this article's title is canonical, its actual capitalization is pure conjecture.

"The sculpture you described can only be the Firebird of Colsassa, a relic dating back to the Third Cataclysm. A fairly insignificant item, but one that has been in our collection for over a millennium."
―Zumeg, to Matthea Cathley and Vildar Mac[2]

The Third Cataclysm was an event that took place[2] by 1382 BBY.[1] The Firebird of Colsassa, a sculpture[2] made of kyber that depicted a starbird,[3] dated back to the Third Cataclysm.[2] In 382 BBY,[1] Jedi Master[4] Vildar Mac and Jedi Padawan Matthea Cathley informed[2] the Disciples of the Whills[5] of the theft of a relic from the Temple of the Kyber in the Holy City of[2] the Mid Rim moon[6] Jedha that archivist Zumeg believed could only be the Firebird of Colsassa. As[2] he[7] led the two Jedi to where the sculpture was supposed to be within the temple, Zumeg informed them of the Firebird of Colsassa's origins back to the Third Cataclysm and that it had been in the Disciples' collection for over a millennium.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The Third Cataclysm was mentioned in the third issue of the 2022 comic series Star Wars: The High Republic, as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[2] Phase II.[8] The issue was written by Cavan Scott and published by Marvel Comics on December 28, 2022.[9]


Notes and references[]

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