


"The Dark Mirror" is a short story that was published in the canon book Dark Legends, written by George Mann, illustrated by Grant Griffin, and published on July 28, 2020. This story follow Jedi Padawan Sol Mogra after he inherited his master, Nil Idyth's, amulet.

Plot summary[]

Sol Mogra was proud to be chosen by Jedi Master Nil Idyth as his padawan. Mogra did everything he could to absorb his master's lessons and live up to the example of his virtuous, brave and heroic master. Years later, after returning from a mission, Mogra rushed to the council chamber after hearing rumors of his masters death. Mourning his master's death, Mogra petitioned the Council to allow him to seek out the assassin believed to have been responsible. However, the Council denied his request and encouraged him to seek peace in the Force.

Idyth had made plans that in the event of his death that the wooden amulet with an embedded piece of kyber that he always wore, was to be passed down to his Padawan. Mogra found a measure of comfort while wearing the amulet and as the years went by, he was granted the rank of Jedi Knight. Following his knighting and a decade of achievements in the Outer Rim, Mogra returned to a warm welcome on Coruscant. After his return, a dark terror began to plague the lower levels of Coruscant, leaving swaths of bodies in its wake. The attacks appeared to be random, with the only connection being that the victims' throats were crushed. Mogra joined the search for the one responsible. However, every night the killer would strike, but none of the Jedi patrols could ever track their movement. Continuing to fail to find the killer, Mogra began to have strange dreams where he followed the killer and watched them force choke their victims. After one such dream, Mogra found his robes torn and that fellow Jedi Kjus Androt had been murdered by the killer. And then Mogra realized the truth of the amulet. It had become the repository of all of Master Idyth's buried fear and anger. Having worn the amulet and following Master Idyth's ways, Mogra became ashamed of what he had become and let the darkness of the amulet consume him.


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Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
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Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Weapons and technology


Notes and references[]

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