


"You need a shower. Or a polishing. Something."
"Bet I've got soot all over me. I can't wait to get to Coruscant. Specifically, to the Temple baths."
―Affie Hollow and Reath Silas[1]

The Temple baths were baths inside the Jedi Temple on the Core Worlds planet Coruscant where Jedi could wash themselves after a mission. After helping with an evacuation in 232 BBY, Padawan Reath Silas was looking forward to visiting the Temple baths.


The Temple baths were located in the Jedi Temple on the Core Worlds planet Coruscant, accessible to members of the Jedi Order. In the baths, Jedi could wash themselves or put on their Temple robes after returning to the Temple from a mission.[1]


Reath OOTS

Reath Silas talked about visiting the Temple baths.

During the High Republic Era, it was acceptable for Jedi to go immediately to the Temple baths after a mission. Following the Great Hyperspace Disaster[1] in 232 BBY,[2] the transport ship Vessel, which carried the three Jedi passengers—Jedi Masters Orla Jareni, Cohmac Vitus, and Padawan Reath Silas—came across the badly damaged passenger ship Journeyman on its way to Coruscant. The Jedi then assisted in the evacuation of the Journeyman. When Silas got back to the Vessel covered in soot and ash, the Vessel's co-pilot, Affie Hollow, told Silas that he needed a shower. The Padawan responded that he could not wait to return to Coruscant, specifically the Temple baths.[1]

Later, upon arriving on Coruscant, Master Vitus thought about going to the Temple baths to don his ceremonial garb or to at least wash his face clean of soot. However, he decided against it and sought an immediate audience with the Jedi High Council instead.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Temple baths were mentioned in the 2021 young-adult novel The High Republic: Into the Dark, written by Claudia Gray as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase I.[3]


Notes and references[]
