

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

The Jedi Temple Detention Center,[3] also known as Sith containment cells,[1] was a multilevel, high-security prison facility located in the southwest quarter of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.[2] Built centuries before 19 BBY[1] initially to detain Sith[2] and their servants and creatures[1] known as Sithspawn, the massive complex contained hundreds of cells, mess halls, interrogation rooms, armories, guard barracks, and control centers.[2]

As it was designed to hold some of the most powerful Force users in the galaxy, the Detention Center was built from cortosis-reinforced duracrete sheathed with rare Force-resistant alloys. Its doorways were sealed by blast doors and shield generators, and a ray shield generator sealed the whole complex off from the surrounding quarter. The inner cell blocks of the Detention Center were the maximum security cells, designed to detain powerful Sith and fallen Jedi. Outer cell blocks were medium and low-security wings designed to hold criminals who were not Force-users and those Jedi and padawans who had broken one of the order's many laws.[2]

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