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I have seen that someone added a new information about her death in the s2ep8 and another user deleted this, saying "I cannot see her anywhere during the bridge fight scene". I think we can see her during the battle. She's hiding behind the far console from the right wall. We can see her head and shoulders. She's staying near the right corner of the central porthole. There is no scene with her being shot, but later we can see Bo-Katan stay above her body. Just after Gideon says "You spared my life. Interesting" we can see Bo-Katan and the dead comms-officer at her feet. OldSWfan (talk) 22:59, 3 January 2021 (UTC)

Yes, she's really dead. In her twitter message Katy O'Brain confirmed this. It was just the off-screen death. But it was obviously from the last episode. https://twitter.com/thekatyo/status/1340514104109268992 OldSWfan (talk) 22:59, 3 January 2021 (UTC)

Clear launch tube immediately![]

Why do you guys think her last order to clear the launch tube was adressed to hangar's officers? There is nothing in her words that might indicate she's speaking with hangar. She accepted Bo-Katan's request and denied it after moff Gideon's intervention. She raised her voice a little, repeating that request denied, and raised her voice once more because Bo-Katan didn't listen her. She said her last order louder than usual, but she didn't need to raise her voice, speaking with another officers. We also can see her pretty calm later, when Gideon listened screams of the troopers and officers on the docking bay. And if we will see at the deck officer, we can notice that he wear only one code cylinder. The second one is probably in his terminal as it says the article about him. So, he could see the approaching ship, hear the operator "We have incoming at 2-8-4-6" and he could stop TIE fighters by his own will, because he could see that there will be a crash and not because he received the new orders from the bridge. We also didn't see Gideon countermanded her last order as he did this when she accepted Bo-Katan's request, maybe because she was only speaking with Bo-Katan. And he didn't give an order to stop TIE-fighters, so I don't think his comms officer will start to give orders by her own will, especially if we will remember that she was a bit confused and maybe even a little scared when she noticed that someone approaching to her ship. She didn't answered immediately and turned to moff Gideon and only when Bo-Katan repeated her request, comms officer answered it's accepted. And after this she started to give the orders without permission? OldSWfan (talk) 22:59, 3 January 2021 (UTC)

  • Ok so my observation with this is that the comms officer was saying "request denied" and that, but when Bo belayed her order, she then ordered for the launch tube to be cleared immediately and suddenly we go straight to the deck officer stopping the TIEs. The way I see it is that the comms officer realised that she was not getting anywhere with the shuttle and so ordered that the TIEs stopped to resolve the situation quickly as the Imp forces were more likely to comply than a desperate shuttle that was not listening. Braha'tok enthusiast (Hello there) 10:31, 3 January 2021 (UTC)
    • Thank you for your answer. I trying to clear it for myself, because this scenes confuses me. It can looks like the deck officer is running to stop the TIEs after receiving an order from the bridge, but it can also be just the start of another scene. I mean, yes, we suddenly go to the deck officer, but it makes sense because Bo-Katan comes closer and we have to see her landing. Comms officer is on the bridge at that moment, she can't see the situation in hangar and didn't receive any orders from moff Gideon, but officers in hangar can see everything and we definitely see the deck officer ordering hangar control to stand down. We also can see him standing and watching at Lambda shuttle, so he could run to the stage because he wanted to see what is going on and not because he received an order from the bridge. OldSWfan (talk) 22:59, 3 January 2021 (UTC)
      • A possibility, but considering the scene transition, this is looking like the comms officer gave an order and then the deck officer complied to it. It makes sense from a story perspective and your scenario seems more complicated to interpret from the episode. Also I'm fairly sure the comms officer can observe the shuttle's position from her terminal anyway, at least that's what I remember. Braha'tok enthusiast (Hello there) 12:34, 3 January 2021 (UTC)
        • Yes, she could, but she could see it like a circle on the map and she was in safety on the bridge and hangar's officers were in real danger because they would be the first to die in explosion if the shuttle and TIE-fighter collided. She said "Clear launch tube immediately!" with a raised voice and she seemed almost angry, but later we can see her pretty calm. Why didn't she speak calmly with hangar then? OldSWfan (talk) 22:59, 3 January 2021 (UTC)
          • Ok, so let's break this down. The comms officer is urging Bo's shuttle to keep clear of the launch tube, she was pretty aware that it enroute to enter it. She then gives the order we've talked about, and it transitions to the hangar where the operator reports the incoming shuttle and the deck officer is stopping the TIEs. My suggestion has been that her order went to the deck officer because the setting went straight to the hangar where he was taking action, meaning she wanted to protect the TIEs. Your suggestion is that she was continuing to say stuff to Bo, who did not reply this time bear in mind, and the hangar staff separately took evasive action to prevent the TIEs from being affected. Judging from your arguments both scenarios are pretty likely. If needs be we could tone back on the detail of the situation in the article to not assume either scenario in the text, the deck officer's article having this applied too. Braha'tok enthusiast (Hello there) 20:42, 3 January 2021 (UTC)
            • Thanks again for your answers. This situation is really confusing. On the one hand the comms officer could speak only with Bo Katan, even if she didn't answer near the end of their conversation. Her orders are pretty similar. "Stay clear of launch tube. Deploying fighter squadron." "Request denied! Please clear launch tube until fighters deploy!" "Clear launch tube immediately." It's as if she was talking to a deaf or was forced to repeate the same order. She could choose another words if she was talking to hangar's officers (like the deck officer said "Hangar control, stand down!") and she didn't need to raise her voice and her face shouldn't be almost angry at that moment. And I want to say it again, moff Gideon stood behind her, quite calmly, but a minute before he countermanded her, when she accepted the request for emergency docking. He didn't say anything later, when he listened screams of the troopers and officers on the docking bay, but he probably should say something if his officer ordered something that ended like this. From the other hand, we can hear this screams, so the comms officer have to communicate with the hangar, but she could make a connection after Gideon's order to deploy the TIE-fighters and then only keep them on the line 2. I don't think adding two theories in the article is a good idea, because it's always better to see a clear description of the scene, but there can be said that she ordered clear the launch tube without pointing, who was the recipient of this orders. It will be true. But I will not insist, especialy if another people will not care or will not agree with me. It's only a proposition. OldSWfan (talk) 22:59, 3 January 2021 (UTC)
              • Your suggestion sounds fair considering the moment of the episode is much more up for interpretation than I thought when writing the article. I have made changes accordingly, thank you. Braha'tok enthusiast (Hello there) 22:54, 3 January 2021 (UTC)
                • Thank you too, but I should say there is another place in the beginning of the article, where is said that she ordered the TIEs to keep clear of the launch tube. I think it should be changed too, because she definitely didn't speak with TIE pilots. OldSWfan (talk) 23:04, 3 January 2021 (UTC)


Also, one more question. This article says she always spoke with Gideon and her associates with a neutral expression and voice. But she almost smiled when she said that her spy installed the beacon on the Razor Crest and nodded when Gideon said "We will be ready". She was a little confused when Lambda-class shuttle arrived and she turned to moff Gideon when Bo-Katan requested emergency docking and turned to him once more when he ordered to deploy TIE-fighters. She raised her voice, talking to Bo-Katan, so maybe it would be better to say that she tried to speak with Gideon and her associates with a neutral expression and voice? OldSWfan (talk) 22:59, 3 January 2021 (UTC)

Motivations for dialing up the Mind Flayer on Dr. Pershing?[]

What were the motivations behind Kane's revenge on Pershing and would this be a good section to add to this page? Unsigned comment by ImpeccablePenguin (talk • contribs).
