


Star Wars: Naboo Rescue was a free online browser game hosted on the Hasbro website in 2010 where players were tasked with rescuing troopers in escape pods. The game features Luke Sykwalker as a Transformer where he uses the Force to become a X-wing starfighter.


The goal of the game is to rescue all escape pods before the Empire can build too many bases. However the player can destroy the imperial bases and thus gain more time to find all escape pods. While in X-wing mode the player can be attacked by Sith Fighters and Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced x1. The player can only rescue the escape pods and attack imperial bases while in Jedi Knight mode.

Plot summary[]

A secret Rebel convoy has been attacked by Imperial
forces, scattering the surface of Naboo with escape
pods. It is only a matter of time until the Empire
secures the area, thus sealing the fate of the crew.
Using the power of the Force, Luke Skywalker
tarnsforms into X-wing fighter mode and hurtles
across the galaxy to rescue his fallen comrades...


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 HasbroInverted Star Wars: Naboo Rescue Game on the official Hasbro Star Wars website (content now obsolete; backup link)

External links[]
