

For other uses, see Eviscerator (disambiguation).

"This one served in the Battle of Jedha, right before the Republic petitioned and to shut down production entirely and got them banned. It's a Spiral-class Viz-Core Eviscerator with twin-canister omega cannons, VIX force metallic blast-proof shielding, and a modulated navicomputer for seek-and-destroy missions."
Alys Ongwa, to Ram Jomaram, on a Spiral-class Viz-Core Eviscerator[2]

The Spiral-class Viz-Core Eviscerator was a ship model used during the High Republic Era. It was in service before the Eiram and E'ronoh War. The ship had no viewport so the pilot had to rely on primitive sensor systems and The Force to operate it. The weapons of the ship were described as ancient and brutal. The ships main way of attacking was by using a drill to puncture the hulls of enemy ships and burrowing to their reactor core. After the Battle of Jedha, the Republic petitioned to ban them.[2]

The last remaining ship of its kind was in posession of Shug Drabor who kept it as an inspiration at the Santhe Shipyards on Corellia.[2]

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