


Spice sticks were a type of spice substance that could be chewed for enjoyment. During the High Republic Era, the Byne Guild pilot Leox Gyasi often chewed the sticks, storing a stash of them in case they later became illegal in Galactic Republic space. In 232 BBY, Gyasi enjoyed at least two spice sticks while aboard the transport ship Vessel. During the Imperial Era, spicerunners gave away spice sticks as free samples of their product, hoping to entice patrons to purchase a pressurized spice canister from them.


Spice sticks were a substance made from spice,[1] a type of drug individuals often became addicted to.[2] The sticks could be chewed for recreational purposes and produced bitter smoke.[1]



Leox Gyasi enjoyed chewing spice sticks.

During the High Republic Era, Byne Guild pilot Leox Gyasi regularly chewed the sticks.[1] By 232 BBY,[3] spice sticks remained legal in Galactic Republic space, even as other substances were outlawed. However, Gyasi became wary that they would soon be outlawed and began keeping a stash of them stored away.[1] That year,[3] Gyasi chewed on a spice stick aboard his transport ship, the Vessel, while transporting several Jedi to the Starlight Beacon space station. As he studied the ship's navicomputer readings, the pilot considered the reasons he began keeping a supply of the sticks stored away, hoping they would remain legal.[1]

As he and his navigator Geode began noticing that hyperspace travel around them was acting strangely, the pilot called for the Vessel's passengers to strap themselves in. Gyasi gripped his spice stick between his teeth harshly as he told the Jedi aboard his ship that hyperspace seemed broken, indicating a galactic-scale disaster had just occurred. After maneuvering out of hyperspace, the Vessel's occupants took shelter on the Amaxine Space Station for several days until the Republic allowed travel to continue. As the group discussed their next plans, Gyasi took a drag on his spice stick, which produced bitter smoke. Jedi Wayseeker Orla Jareni was annoyed by the smoke but decided not to mention it, believing other concerns were more pressing.[1]

During the Imperial Era, spice was often sold by spicerunners on the planet Daiyu to passersby. By 9 BBY, dealers adopted the business tactic of giving away a free sample in the form of a spice stick, hoping to get their patrons addicted enough to purchase a pressurized spice canister from them.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Spice sticks appeared in the 2021 young-adult novel The High Republic: Into the Dark, written by Claudia Gray as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase I.[4]



Notes and references[]

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