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"One day you kids'll understand that we're basically ants down here on Skuhl. The Empire's a giant. And giants don't care about ants, which means we can do whatever we want."
―Akshaya Ponta[1]

Skuhl was a planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories.


"It's like Mum says, the giant doesn't notice ants. Skuhl is an anthill."
―Hadder Ponta[1]

Located in the Outer Rim, Skuhl was a flat world covered in blue-green grasslands. Skuhl had a town that included a refinery and a diner. The town had a prominent main street that was decorated with baskets of flowers and bells, which hung from poles. One one side of the town there was a small spaceport for smaller shuttles and planet hoppers. On the other side, there was a large hangar that was up on a hill outside of the town. The hangar had its own warehouse for cargo, a factory, several shops, a diner, and even some homes. Akshaya Ponta kept her ship, the Ponta One, there.[1]

Akshaya lived in a house with her son Hadder and her daughter Tanith Ponta, although the latter eventually died as a result of hadeira serum overdose, a medication she used to combat bloodburn. Their house was bright blue in color, similar to Skuhl's skies, and had a red door and yellow designs painted around the windows.[1]


"The Empire is the giant. And they're about to stomp on our anthill."
―Jyn Erso[1]

Skuhl remained a neutral planet during the Imperial Era. Far from the Galactic Empire's operations, the people there were left to their own devices.[1]

After being abandoned by Saw Gerrera during a mission on Tamsye Prime, Jyn Erso traveled to a nearby planet. There, she convinced Akshaya Ponta to hire her for a job. After she helped Akshaya avoid a fine by forging her Imperial clearance codes, Akshaya began to learn of Jyn's circumstances and decided to take her in. Jyn thereafter lived with Akshaya and Hadder.[1]

Eventually, a former peer of Jyn's, Xosad Hozem, came to Skuhl to recruit fighters for their partisan movements. Meanwhile, another associate of Gerrera's, Berk, traveled to Skuhl to spy on Jyn and make sure she was alright. Not long after, the Empire came to Skuhl as they continued to take over mining operations in the surrounding area, including several operations that Akshaya helped transport ore from to the Skuhl refinery. The Emipre eventually forcefully possessed the refinery and later came to the Ponta's home, searching for Jyn. The family attempted to escape Skuhl, but Akshaya and Hadder were both killed, leaving Jyn alone once more.[1]

Society and culture[]

The people of Skuhl were friendly and trusting. The townsfolk all knew each other and would often stop to talk to each other in public. There was no need for locals to lock their doors or secure their ships, as everyone trusted and respected each other.[1]




Notes and references[]

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