


A Sith holocron was hidden by Sith acolytes on the Outer Rim planet Kruskan three thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. The servants of local noblewoman Regera Girawn later found the artifact and brought it to their mistress. As Girawn handled the holocron, the artifact exploded in a burst of purplish light that scarred the woman's face and hands, while also awakening her Force abilities. The abilities granted her visions that drove her insane and led her to travel the galaxy in search of Force-sensitive disciples.


The Sith holocron hidden on the planet Kruskan was shaped like a pulsing sphere. Upon contact with the Force-sensitive Regera Girawn, the holocron exploded in a burst of purplish light that activated Girawn's Force potential, giving her visions of the past, present, and future. The blast also left both her mind and face scarred and warped.[1]


Regera Girawn

Rigera Girawn was scarred when the holocron exploded in her hands.

Three thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, Sith acolytes traveled to the backwater planet Kruskan in the Outer Rim Territories and hid a Sith holocron in a mountain stronghold not far from what eventually became the planet's capital city.[1]

Sometime later, the servants of a local noblewoman, Regera Girawn, discovered the holocron while unearthing the ruins in the mountain. Taking the holocron to Girawn's palace, the servants presented the artifact to their mistress. When Girawn handled the holocron, it released a blast of light that destroyed the holocron and left the noblewoman's hands and face burned. The power of the artifact triggered Girawn's Force potential and granted her visions in which she saw herself leading an army of dark disciples.[1]

The power and visions Girawn gained from the holocron drove her insane, and her subjects soon deposed her. Using her recently acquired Force powers, Girawn fled her planet and, attempting to heed her visions, roamed the galaxy in search of Force-sensitives to become her disciples.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Sith holocron was first mentioned in the Wizards.com article "Regera Girawn, Force Witch," a supplement for the Wizards of the Coast roleplaying game sourcebook Scum and Villainy. It was written by Eric Cagle and posted on December 9, 2008.[1]


Notes and references[]
