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Simulator pods were training simulator machines utilized by the Galactic Empire to train Imperial cadets.[2] They were shaped like the ball-cockpit of a TIE fighter and were used to test cadets in mock battles and training missions. Several of these pods could be found within Skystrike Academy.[3]

Suspended between two braces via tractor beam projectors, a simulator pod completely recreated the interior of a TIE fighter cockpit with the exception of the transparisteel viewports replaced by holographic viewscreens. A combination of audio, vibration and gravity technology also replicated the effect of flying a TIE fighter, such as atmospheric turbulence and gravitational forces. Twelve pods would be networked together to allow pilots to train as a squadron and for an instructor to oversee their progress. The instructor could choose a number of different mission types to simulate.[1]

In addition to being found at Imperial Academies, simulator pods were also standard aboard Imperial-class Star Destroyers, giving active pilots the opportunity to sharpen their skills when not flying.[1]



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