


Segra Milo, or Segra-Milo, was a barren planet in the Outer Rim Territories' Jospro sector. Originally the site of mines, the world became abandoned before the Partisans rebel cell used a mine there as a starfighter launch base. Their operations prompted increase Imperial patrols in the area, with Segra Milo falling under a labeled piracy zone. The rebel agent Luthen Rael met with Gerrera multiple times there, initially offering stolen technology in return for assisting a tactical strike against the Galactic Empire before turning back on the offer when the Imperial Security Bureau caught wind of the attack plans.

On his way out from Segra Milo the latter time, Rael encountered an Imperial patrol which attempted to pull his Fondor Haulcraft in by tractor beam. Initially stalling the Imperials, the agent broke the peace by damaging the tractor beam and destroying the subsequently deployed air wing before escaping into hyperspace.


"Would I be out here in the cold if I had just pinched 100 million credits?"
―Saw Gerrera, to Luthen Rael[3]
Benthic Segra Milo

The Partisan launch base on Segra Milo

Segra Milo,[3] or similarly written Segra-Milo,[4] was a terrestrial planet located in the Segra Milo system of the Outer Rim Territories' Jospro sector.[1] The world was 10,318 kilometers, or 6,411 miles, in diameter and had a single moon.[1] Appearing green and brown colored from above,[3] Segra Milo was barren[1] and included rugged valleys,[3] rocky expanses, and cliffs and mountains.[1] The planet had a type I atmosphere[2] breathable to humans and other species and the climate was a cold and sometimes cloudy,[3] considered miserable by some.[1]


Partisan activity[]

"Is there something wrong, patrol?"
"There's been partisan activity in the area. This is a piracy zone."
―Luthen Rael and Captain Elk[5]

By the time of the Galactic Empire, Segra Milo hosted mines that were eventually exhausted, the world being abandoned afterwards. During the Empire's reign, the Partisans, a group of extremist rebels led by the revolutionary Saw Gerrera, used a mine on the planet as a starfighter launch base[1] by 5 BBY.[6] Due to the Partisan activity,[5] a trade outpost in a neighboring sector began complaining about pirate activity, prompting an increase in Imperial patrols near Segra Milo,[1] which they labeled as part of a piracy zone.[5] The patrols made Gerrera begin considering relocating the base, which would be a costly move for him.[1]


Luthen Rael speaks with Saw Gerrera at the Partisan base

In 5 BBY,[6] Luthen Rael, a rebel agent that coordinated a shadowy network between different rebel cells, traveled to Segra Milo on his Fondor Haulcraft to meet with Gerrera. Landing at the Partisan launch base, Rael spoke with Gerrera and offered stolen Imperial technology in exchange for the Partisans helping a rebel cell led by Neo-Separatist Anto Kreegyr in attacking the Imperial power station on Spellhaus. Gerrera refused to work with Kreegyr, calling the other rebel group lost. Rael departed without his intended deal.[3]

Later on, Gerrera had a change in heart and decided he wanted in on Kreegyr's attack, making research on Spellhaus and calling over Rael. When Rael arrived and heard Gerrera's news, he stopped the Partisan leader's plans and revealed that the Empire's Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) already knew of Kreegyr's attack. Confused, Gerrera grew distrustful of the rebel agent, believing that he thought the rebel cells were expendable. Although the confrontation briefly got heated, Rael was able to reassure his associate and convince him that letting Kreegyr's group walk into a trap would give the ISB a false sense of security and allow the rebels to play the long game. Gerrera agreed with Rael, who departed shortly thereafter.[5]

Patrol encounter[]

"This is Segra-Milo Imperial patrol. Please identify yourself, Haulcraft."
"Sorry, can you repeat back please?"
"This is an Imperial patrol. Standby for transponder scan."
―Captain Elk and Luthen Rael — (audio) Listen (file info)[5]

An Imperial patrol stops Rael's Fondor Haulcraft above Segra Milo

Above Segra Milo, Rael made contact with his colleague Kleya Marki, who spoke in codewords with him about an opportunity to catch up with one of his rogue agents, Cassian Andor. The conversation was cut short when an Imperial patrol, comprising of a Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser commanded by Captain Elk, arrived and jammed communications. Upon request, Rael sent a forged transponder identification. While the identification was being scanned, Elk had the cruiser begin pulling in the Fondor Haulcraft by tractor beam. Rael's craft faked a burn in one of its thrusters to buy time while it simultaneously prepared countermeasures.[5]

Despite Rael's stalling, Elk made sure to prepare a boarding party for the Fondor Haulcraft while continuing to request it's stabilizers be powered down. Although the fake transponder ID gave a valid identification for the Imperials, the captain wished to still use the starship as practice and advised it to standby for boarding. In response, Rael engaged his thrusters, baiting the Elk's cruiser into increasing its tractor forces. With that, the Fondor Haulcraft released shrapnel that was attracted to and teared apart the cruiser's forward tractor dish. Elk had the cruiser's air wing pursue Rael's craft, but the enemy ship quickly destroyed the fighters and fled into hyperspace.[5]


Mines were established on Segra Milo and eventually exhausted. The Partisans used one as a launch base, having operations within a cavern whilst starfighters were parked outside.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Segra Milo was first seen in the official trailer for the first season of Tony Gilroy's live-action Disney+ series Andor, which was published on the official Star Wars YouTube on August 1, 2022.[7] The world first appeared in "Narkina 5,"[3] the eighth episode of the season which was directed by Toby Haynes and released on October 26, 2022.[8] The caves on Segra Milo were filmed at the Winspit Quarry, Worth Matravers in Dorset England, a popular filming location that has been used in past live-action productions.[9]



Notes and references[]

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  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Narkina 5" establishes that Segra Milo had a breathable atmosphere that Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 43 (Secrets of Spaceflight: Types of Atmosphere) classifies as Type I.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Andor logo new Andor — "Narkina 5"
  4. StarWars-DatabankII Captain Elk in the Databank (backup link)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Andor logo new Andor — "Daughter of Ferrix"
  6. 6.0 6.1 The events of Andor Season One begin with "Kassa," which dates itself to 5 BBY. The final episode "Rix Road" takes place immediately after "Daughter of Ferrix," SWInsider "A Certain Point of View" — Star Wars Insider 220 places "Daughter of Ferrix" five years before Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which corresponds to 5 BBY per Star Wars: Timelines. As the first and last episodes take place in 5 BBY, all episodes of Andor Season One must take place in this year.
  7. SWYTlogo Andor | Official Trailer (1:30) on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link) (Posted on StarWars.com)
  8. SWInsider "Star Wars: Andor Season One Companion" — Star Wars Insider 217
  9. SWInsider "Galactic Britain II: Cassian's Travels" — Star Wars Insider 219