

For other uses, see Firestone.

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"The sacred firestone of King Skrawll!"
"It belongs back with our people!"
―Two Anselmi delegates, upon shown the supposedly genuine Hope of Glee Anselm statue[2]

The sacred firestone of King Skrawll was a red-colored gemstone that was a royal jewel and holy relic of the Anselmi species of the planet Glee Anselm. Along with the Leviathan Gem royal jewel of the planet's Nautolan species, it was crafted into a valuable statue called the Hope of Glee Anselm that eventually came to rest in the Republic Museum. When the Galactic Republic attempted to broker a peace treaty around 33 BBY to end a war between the Anselmi and the Nautolans, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum authorized the release of the statue to the people of Glee Anselm.

The handing-off of the artifact was planned to take place at the Regional Republic Headquarters on Jaloria, but the Hope of Glee Anselm was secretly replaced with a forgery by the Nautolan Ambassador Fiarok, who had been indirectly recruited by Count Dooku. While the real statue was kept at the ambassador's guest quarters, the counterfeit version was stolen from the presentation ceremony by a crew of thieves. The sole surviving thief, Nakano Lash, took the fake statue with her when she was transported off Jaloria, and eventually the bounty hunters Aurra Sing and Jango Fett tracked her down on the planet Roxuli, where she shattered the brittle forgery to reveal that it was a fake. Afterward, Fett revealed Fiarok's theft to the Republic governor Tok and the delegates, and the real Hope of Glee Anselm was recovered, although Sing had stolen both of the royal jewels.


"Bah, we know who is responsible for the theft of my people's holy jewel—the Nautolans!"
―Lead Anselmi delegate[4]

The sacred firestone of King Skrawll was a royal jewel[2] and holy relic[1] of the Anselmi species of the planet Glee Anselm. Associated with King Skrawll, it consisted of a polyhedral red gemstone[2] the size of a human's palm.[3]


The Hope of Glee Anselm[]

"The Hope of Glee Anselm! Sculpted from the royal jewels of both your people back before the war."
―Governor Tok, to Anselmi and Nautolan delegates[2]

The sacred firestone of King Skrawll was incorporated into the Hope of Glee Anselm statue, which was replaced by a forgery (pictured).

At one point, the sacred firestone of King Skrawll and the Leviathan Gem, the royal jewel of the Nautolan species that the Anselmi harmoniously shared their homeworld with, were both sculpted into a statue called the Hope of Glee Anselm. The two jewels were placed atop a stylized wave, with the resulting artifact symbolizing the connection between the two species. The statue eventually came into the possession of the Republic Museum, becoming one of the institution's most valuable artifacts.[2]

The Anselmi and the Nautolans went on to fight each other in a war sometime after the creation of the Hope of Glee Anselm.[2] Around 33 BBY,[5] Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum of the Galactic Republic led peace talks[1] with the aim of crafting a treaty between the two species. As a gesture of the Republic's support and symbolizing a renewed connection between the Anselmi and the Nautolans, Valorum authorized the release of the Hope of Glee Anselm as a gift to the people of Glee Anselm. The statue was to be presented to Anselmi and Nautolan delegates at a ceremony at the Regional Republic Headquarters on the celestial body Jaloria.[2]

However, Nautolan Ambassador Fiarok, who had been recruited by an intermediary of[3] Count[6] Dooku—who was planning to destabilize the Republic by re-igniting the war on Glee Anselm—covertly stole the Hope of Glee Anselm and replaced it with a forgery[3] made of a brittle material[4] that included a believable representation of the sacred firestone of King Skrawll.[2] Fiarok kept the real statue in his guest quarters of the same building.[3] During the ceremony, Republic's[2] Governor[3] Tok unveiled the supposedly genuine Hope of Glee Anselm to the delegates, leading the agitated Anselmi delegates to recognize their species' holy relic and proclaim that it belonged with the Anselmi.[2]

Tracking down thieves[]

"A raid on the suspect's guest quarters turned up the statue—well, at least part of the priceless artifact. The royal gems were removed and are still missing, a source told HoloNet News."
―A HoloNet News report[3]

Moments later,[2] a crew of Nautolan[3] thieves barged into the room and,[2] in a recorded incident,[3] stole the counterfeit Hope of Glee Anselm. After the resultant skirmish, the sole surviving thief,[2] Nakano Lash,[4] was transported, along with the forged statue, aboard a garbage scow from Jaloria to the astronomical object Hallitron-7. There, Renzoh Silliac, the operator of a local salvage yard, booked Lash,[1] who had the counterfeit artifact still in her possession,[4] on a commuter shuttle[1] that took her to the planet Roxuli.[4] Meanwhile, a group of five Anselmi on a secret mission to retrieve the sacred firestone of King Skrawll confronted a human information broker at their office on[1] the planet[6] Coruscant, but the aliens were all killed by the bounty hunter Jango Fett,[1] who had been hired by Tok to find the thief and recover the stolen statue.[2] Later, during a holographic peace summit attended by the governor and both delegations, the lead Anselmi delegate accused the Nautolans of having stolen the Anselmi royal jewel.[4]


Nakano Lash shows Boba Fett and Aurra Sing the counterfeit Hope of Glee Anselm.

Fett and his rival and former partner Aurra Sing eventually both tracked down Lash on Roxuli, where the former confronted the young thief outside of a local settlement's cantina. In order to stop Fett and Sing from fighting each other over the fake artifact, Lash then showed it to the bounty hunters. When Sing subsequently still demanded that the young Nautolan hand over the statue, the latter, wishing for the others to understand the complexity of the situation they were in, smashed the forgery against a nearby wall, causing it to shatter.[4]

Later, Fett and Sing traveled to Jaloria to present to Tok evidence of Fiarok's theft. After fighting off a group of bounty hunters in turn pursuing a bounty on Fett, Sing slipped away unnoticed, leaving Fett and the camera droid Arex-Fivesix to present the evidence to Tok and the Anselmi and Nautolan delegates. After learning of Fiarok's involvement in the theft of the sacred firestone of King Skrawll, the head Anselmi delegate proclaimed that such an action by a Nautolan could not be tolerated and announced that the war on Glee Anselm would be renewed, with open hostilities indeed once again taking place thereafter. Tok ordered a search of Fiarok's quarters, which turned up the real Hope of Glee Anselm—minus both of the royal gems, which had been stolen by Sing and the disappearance of which was later reported on the HoloNet News.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The sacred firestone of King Skrawll was introduced in the first issue of the Star Wars: Jango Fett comic-book miniseries. The issue was written by Ethan Sacks, penciled by Luke Ross,[2] and published by Marvel Comics on March 20, 2024.[7] The series' third issue,[4] published on May 29 of the same year,[8] went on to reveal that the jewel previously seen had been a counterfeit.[4]


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Jango Fett 2
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 Jango Fett 1
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 Jango Fett 4
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Jango Fett 3
  5. TwitterLogo Ethan Sacks (@ethanjsacks) on Twitter: "Yes, it's a months [sic] before the events of Phantom Menace. Roughly 33 BBY." (backup link) (Regarding the Star Wars: Jango Fett comic-book series and in response to: "so i have to know mr. sacks, when would you say this comic takes place in the overall timeline? All I've seen it narrowed down to is 'Between 40 BBY and 32 BBY' since its Valorum's time in office, did you have anything more specific in mind?")
  6. 6.0 6.1 StarWars-DatabankII Count Dooku in the Databank (backup link)
  7. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Jango Fett (2024) #1 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  8. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Jango Fett (2024) #3 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)