


The Republic Transport Bureau was a governmental department of the Galactic Republic active during the High Republic Era. The bureau was responsible for ensuring safe and reliable travel across the Republic, as well as the shipment of cargo. It was led by the Secretary of Transportation Jeffo Lorillia, a Muun male who reported directly to Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh. After the Great Hyperspace Disaster, they were responsible for gathering all of the remaining wreckage of the Legacy Run that was found in the Hetzal System onto the Third Horizon. After heavy analysis of the the scuff and dent marks that were leftover of the incident they theorized, along with Keven Tarr's help, that the Legacy Run collided with something in hyperspace which caused it to separate and create the Emergences. This theory later on turned to be true as it was confirmed by the flight recorder from the Legacy Run[1]

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