


"These mythological incarnations of destruction might pose a real threat if the species were to expand beyond the remote confines of Randorn 2."
―An entry, dedicated to the ibliton, of a holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of Chandrila[3]

Randorn 2 was an Outer Rim Territories astronomical object situated in the Rolion sector. Its surface featured swamps, in which the caustic harrowbane plant grew and which were home to the large mollusk called the ibliton. Iblitons were apex predators and held a significant role in the mythology of Randorn 2's native Mizx species, who believed the creatures were incarnations of an evil mage. At some point by the reign of the Galactic Empire, a group of xenobiologists visited Randorn 2, where they fought and killed an ibliton attacking a Mizx village.


"No other beast of the Randorn bayous can defeat a full-grown ibliton."
―Holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of Chandrila[3]

Randorn 2, also known simply as Randorn, was a remote celestial body[3] located in the Randorn system,[1] a part of the Rolion sector[2] in the Trans-Hydian portion of the Outer Rim Territories.[1] Its surface featured swamps and bayous, which were home to at least one type of tree as well as the caustic weed known as harrowbane. The astronomical object's fauna included large avians and reptiles and small fish and rodents. Two specific types of creature native to Randorn 2 were the hecxt and layall.[3]

At the top of the food chain in Randorn 2's swamps was the ibliton, a two- to five-meters long, slow, predatory[3] mollusk[4] with characteristics of both cephalopods and crustaceans. It had a hard shell that protected its soft inner body from both predators and the harsh conditions of its swamp habitat, and as part of its reproductive cycle, the creature would deposit one egg in the swamp waters, which would then activate fertilization compounds in the egg.[3]


"The theory [sic], put forth by Harzoon Parr of the Galactic History Foundation, that iblitons were 'planted' on Randorn 2 by some lost starfaring race have interested xenobiologists but remain pure speculation."
―Holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of Chandrila[3]
Randorn system

During the Clone Wars, Randorn 2 was situated outside of the borders of the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Fossil record indicated that iblitons lived on Randorn 2 at least as long as six hundred thousand years prior to[3] the Battle of Yavin,[4] and they predated the civilization of the celestial body's Mizx species by millennia.[3] The Human clone trooper captain Rex of the Galactic Republic's Grand Army was familiar with the slow-moving mollusks of Randorn 2[5] by 22 BBY.[6] During the Clone Wars of 22 BBY19 BBY, the celestial body was situated outside of the territories of both the Republic and its enemy, the Confederacy of Independent Systems.[1]

At some point, Harzoon Parr of the Galactic History Foundation formulated a hypothesis that the iblitons had been introduced on Randorn 2 by a since-vanished spacefaring culture; a possibility that remained speculative yet fascinated xenobiologists. A group of researchers of the Tyberious Institute of Xenobiology at one point visited Randorn 2, where they dredged millennia-old ibliton shells from the celestial body's swamps. The researchers were also present at a Mizx village when an ibliton attacked it. Ultimately, the xenobiologists were able to kill the creature, but not before one Mizx had also perished. The researcher Meslinger subsequently witnessed the native's funeral, and at some point by the reign of the Galactic Empire, an entry of a holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of[3] the planet[7] Chandrila was dedicated to the ibliton and provided information on the creature, including its role in Randorn 2's ecosystem. The brochure also noted that the ibliton could pose a serious threat if it ever spread off-world.[3]


"In the swamps of Randorn 2, the ibliton stands at the top of the food chain and occupies a significant role in local mythology."
―Holobrochure for the Tagge Holographic Museum of Chandrila[3]

Randorn 2 was home to the sentient Mizx species. Technologically relatively primitive, the Mizx lived in villages and kept domesticated hecxts and layalls. The ibliton was an important element of the Mizx mythology, being viewed as an avatar of the deceased evil mage Hershoon the Destroyer. Mizx children learned early of the dangers associated with venturing into Randorn 2's swamps,[3] and the natives planted harrowbane around their villages due to believing that the plant, which they considered sacred, warded off iblitons.[8] Nevertheless, three published accounts told about ibliton raids on Mizx settlements.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Randorn 2 was created by Phil Brucato for the 1994 sourcebook Creatures of the Galaxy, published by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the book, the celestial body was depicted in an illustration by David Plunkett.[3] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Randorn system, and therefore Randorn 2, in grid square Q-6.[1] The StarWars.com Online Companion to that book later placed the system in the Belderone sector;[9] however, The Essential Atlas Extra: Outer Rim Sectors feature of the Online Companion depicted the territory of that sector[10] and the location of the Randorn system—as shown on a map in The Essential Atlas[1]—as not intersecting. Instead, the feature depicted the location of Randorn 2 as falling within the territory of the Rolion sector, which this article assumes is correct.[10]


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