


"Purchase me from him. He does not know my true worth. You could make a large profit."
―RT-56/X, on Biull Sangtwo to a team of Rebel Alliance agents[1]

RT-56/X was a silver-plated protocol droid skilled in bargaining and con artistry. During the Galactic Civil War, he resided on the planet Narg, where he became partners with the local scammer Biull Sangtwo. As part of a con the pair practiced, RT-56/X would approach off-worlders, which at one point included a team of Rebel Alliance agents, on the street and pretend that he was forced by Sangtwo, a supposed farmer, to pull a manure cart via the use of a harness. RT-56/X would then convince the off-worlders to try and buy him from Sangtwo—who was supposedly ignorant of the droid's true value. Upon successfully selling RT-56/X, Sangtwo would disappear into the crowd, with the droid abandoning his new owners and likewise disappearing shortly thereafter.


"Please. I beg of you, take me away from this horrible place. You would not believe what he asks me to do."
―RT-56/X, on Biull Sangtwo to a team of Rebel Alliance agents[1]

RT-56/X carried out scams on the streets of Grig (pictured).

RT-56/X was a protocol droid who resided on the[1] Outer Rim Territories[2] planet Narg during the Galactic Civil War. His situation on the planet forced him to enter a partnership with the local Human con artist Biull Sangtwo. Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, RT-56/X approached a team of Rebel Alliance agents on a mission to Narg while they were walking on the crowded Central Avenue of the planet's city of Grig. The droid fell on his knees in front of the Rebels and begged them to take him away from Sangtwo, whom he described as intending to fit him with a leather harness and force him to pull a cart of animal manure. At that point, RT-56/X's accomplice ran up to the group. Pretending to be a farmer from whom the droid had run away, Sangtwo proceeded to whip RT-56/X with a leather whip—a process that had no effect on the droid's metal plating and only served to underline the droid's supposed indignation.[1]

RT-56/X then whispered to the Rebel agents the suggestion that they attempt to purchase him from Sangtwo, whom he claimed did not realize the droid's true value. The Rebels then engaged in a bargaining session with the Human, eventually acquiring the droid. Sangtwo then quickly disappeared into the crowds of pedestrians on the street, while RT-56/X acted out an enthusiasm for his new owner. Around ten minutes later, the droid disappeared into the crowd as well, leaving the Rebels to only realize minutes later the extent to which they had been scammed. Later during their stay on Narg, the Rebel team witnessed RT-56/X and Sangtwo attempting their con again on another group of off-worlders.[1]


"Imagine, I speak 800,000 languages and he wants me to pull a cartload of animal waste."
―RT-56/X, on Biull Sangtwo[1]

RT-56/X was a humanoid-shaped protocol droid with silver-colored metal plating, two video sensors, a limited-functionality vocabulator, and a SureDeal-R bargaining and negotiation logic initiator. When Biull Sangtwo was negotiating a sale of RT-56/X—with no intention of actually selling him—the Human also discussed the merits of the motivators, plated servomotors, and lingua-programming supposedly installed in the droid. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, RT-56/X's once-bright plating had become tarnished and somewhat battered, a factor that, when combined with him being in a used condition, made him worth approximately 1,500 credits.[1]

RT-56/X possessed significant streetwise knowledge and was also informed in alien species and various cultures and languages. He spoke Galactic Basic Standard and claimed to be proficient in 800,000 languages in total. RT-56/X was also perceptive and sneaky and skilled in bargaining and con artistry. The latter was an occupation for which the droid was well-suited, and he exhibited a capability for convincing pretense.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

RT-56/X was introduced in The Abduction, a 1992 roleplaying adventure authored by Chuck Truett and published by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the adventure, the droid is featured in a side encounter that this article assumes plays out as described.[1]


Notes and references[]
