


"I heard from Gamorrean Interstellar. If you're still interested, they'll sell us the mining rights on Quiberon V for a streak'in 500,000, 10 percent down and we neg them for the rest over 10 standard."
―Minas Derel, to Moxin Tark[3]

Quiberon V was an Outer Rim Territories planet situated in the Quiberon sector. The company Gamorrean Interstellar held mining rights there, which it eventually agreed to sell to the bounty hunter Moxin Tark and his expeditor Minas Derel.


Quiberon sector

Quiberon V was situated in the Quiberon sector.

Quiberon V was a terrestrial[3] planet[4] that occupied the fifth orbital position[3] in the Quiberon system, a part of the Quiberon sector[1] in the Slice portion of[2] the Outer Rim Territories.[1] It shared its name with Quiberon Kuat, a Kuat Drive Yards engineer who, around 800 BBY, transformed the secret Quiberon sector world Rothana into an important industrial hub for the company, and the Quiberon Line, a hyperlane that was used between 31 BBY and 22 BBY to secretly transport warships and military vehicles designed for the planned Grand Army of the Galactic Republic between Rothana and the extragalactic world Kamino, where the cloned army was being produced.[5]


At some point between 0 ABY and 4 ABY,[6] the licensed bounty hunter expeditor Minas Derel negotiated with the Gamorrean Interstellar company, which held[3] mineral[4] mining rights on Quiberon V, a discounted sale of those rights to them and their client, the bounty hunter Moxin Tark. Derel informed Tark of the deal via holovid call, with the latter complimenting the former on it. The conversation was recorded, and the portion of it mentioning the Quiberon V deal was later extracted.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Quiberon V was introduced in "Makin' It Happen," a short companion narrative included in the 1994 sourcebook Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters. The book was authored by Rick D. Stuart and published by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[3] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Quiberon system, and therefore Quiberon V, in grid square T-15.[2]



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