


"Recitation: For example, on Praven Prime, the simple transferring of L'Xing syntax for 'friendship' changes its meaning—and implies that one's brood mate was actually impregnated by their own host. […] Statement: This comment, of course, caused a civil war between the Gu-vandi Collective and L'Xing that still persists to the current date."

Praven Prime was an Outer Rim Territories world in the Quelii sector that was home to the L'Xing species. By 3951 BBY, it was a part of the Galactic Republic as well as situated in space controlled by the Gu-vandi species. However, an intentional mistranslation of a L'Xing language phrase by an HK-50 series assassin droid masquerading as a translator droid led to a civil war between the L'Xing and the Gu-vandi Collective. The conflict eventually resulted in the Republic withdrawing from both Praven Prime and Gu-vandi space.


Praven Prime was a terrestrial world[3] located in the Praven Prime system, a part of the Quelii sector[1] in the New Territories portion of[2] the Outer Rim Territories.[1]


"Answer: In the case of Praven Prime, the civil war actually forced the Republic to back out of Gu-vandi space and let their world fall from Republic control. As I understand it, that would be best."

An HK-50 series assassin droid (a unit pictured) caused a civil war involving Praven Prime's L'Xing species.

By 3959 BBY, Praven Prime was a part of the "civilized galaxy," the territory that had been widely explored by the Galactic Republic.[2] By some point eight years later,[4] the world was situated in space controlled by the sentient Gu-vandi species and was also a member of the Republic.[3]

An HK-50 series assassin droid[3]—a unit of an assassin droid model that had originally been designed by the Sith Lord Darth Revan and that was later mass-produced by the rogue G0-T0 infrastructure planning system known as G0-T0[5]—masquerading as a translator droid at one point[3] between 3955 BBY and 3951 BBY[4] intentionally mistranslated the word for "friendship" in the L'Xing language—spoken by Praven Prime's native species of the same name—to instead convey the implication that a specific individual's brood mate had been impregnated by their own host. The translated comment sparked a civil war between the L'Xing and the Gu-vandi Collective. As a result of the civil war, the Republic decided to relinquish control over Praven Prime and withdrew from Gu'vandi space.[3]


HK-47 (pictured) claimed the civil war would have a positive impact on Praven Prime's inhabitants.

In 3951 BBY,[4] while the civil war was still ongoing, HK-47, an assassin droid[3] who had originally served as the basis for the HK-50 model,[5] informed the Jedi Knight known as the Jedi Exile about the role of Praven Prime in the eruption of the civil war. The droid reasoned that the outbreak of the conflict and the withdrawal of the Republic would eventually prove to be beneficial to that government, speculating that continued control over the world would have been a "token gesture of control" as well as an unnecessary burden in the form of resources needed to maintain diplomatic and trade relations. HK-47 further claimed that the drastic reduction of the L'Xing population caused by the war would let the Republic eventually supply them with emergency relief at a substantially decreased cost and also that the violence involved had "woken" both the L'Xing and the Gu-vandi from their relatively inactive dispositions.[3]


"Besides, master, quite frankly, the Gu-vandi and L'Xing needed a good war. They were races that relied more on words than actions, and a good, brisk killing woke them from their torpid state."
―HK-47, to the Jedi Exile — (audio) Listen (file info)[3]

Praven Prime was home to the sentient L'Xing species, members of which spoke a language of the same name.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Praven Prime was introduced in the 2004 Obsidian Entertainment video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. In the game, the world can be mentioned in an optional conversation the player character, the Jedi Exile, can have with the character HK-47. This article assumes one hundred percent game completion and that the conversation took place as described.[3] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Praven Prime system, and therefore the world itself, in grid square O-6.[2]


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