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"Let every village send a warrior, for the battle against the Empire has become our battle; and no people in the galaxy fly as the people of Home fly."
―The elders of Polyneus, in the proclamation of the Hundred and Twenty[2]

Polyneus, known as Home by its inhabitants, was an isolated, pastoral world in the Inner Rim. The world, largely detached from galactic affairs, was known for its native sur-avkas, semi-tame flying creatures that were ridden by its human population. Its elders, known as the Sun-Lamas, held high authority and respect on the planet.

During the Galactic Civil War, the group of volunteers from Polyneus sent to fight the Galactic Empire as pilots would become known as the Hundred and Twenty. One of this group, Wyl Lark, would gain fame as a member of Alphabet Squadron, and later become the representative of Polyneus in the New Republic Senate.


A planet[2] in the Inner Rim Territories,[1] Polyneus was considered a remote, primitive world for much of galactic history. Its inhabitants lived in close communion with the natural landscape, building their cities and villages in jungles, over lakes, and into Polyneus' formidable mountains and cliffsides. Ruled by a figure known as the Hik'e-Matriarch―similar, though not identical, to a queen―the people of Home relied on their elders, the Sun-Lamas, for everyday wisdom and guidance.[2][4]


"We were fortunate compared with many."
―Wyl Lark[2]

Polyneus was spared the devastation of the Clone Wars largely due to its reputation as a backwater; the Galactic Republic had no reason to garrison there, and the Separatist considered it a primitive place inhabited by primitive people. Nevertheless, the world eventually came under the control of the Galactic Empire.[2]

In 7 BBY, the Empire built a weapons platform in low atmosphere that began poisoning the world's biosphere. The elders of Home sought a diplomatic solution to the issue, but their efforts to negotiate with the Empire were in vain, and a messenger sent to Coruscant never returned. Consequently, the pacifistic Polyneans eventually turned to the Rebel Alliance for aid. The Hik'e-Matriarch pledged the finest sur-avka riders from each of Home's 120 communities to the service of the Rebellion, a group that would become known as the Hundred and Twenty.[2]

After the rebel victory at the Battle of Endor, many of the surviving pilots of the Hundred and Twenty returned to Home, with the exception of Wyl Lark, who remained in New Republic service until the Battle of Jakku. After the attack on Jakku, the Hik'e Matriarch pushed Home to withdraw from its isolationism on the galactic stage, and named Wyl Lark the senator of Polyneus.[3]



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