


"Were you here for the fighting on Cartao?"
"I really just got here. I joined six months ago, off Phorsa Gedd."
"Doesn't matter. Keep us alive, and I'll tell you about Cartao after."
―Hazram Namir and Vifra — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

Phorsa Gedd was a planet in the Mid Rim that had factory-deserts. The Imperial soldier Vryant served in the planet's trenches for two years, and the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry also fought on Phorsa Gedd as a part of the Alliance's campaign into the Mid Rim, which spanned nine months from around 1 ABY. The engineer Vifra also joined the 61st off of the world between 2 ABY and 3 ABY. Members of the company remembered and spoke about the battle in the time afterward. In 4 ABY, when the New Republic pilots Wyl Lark and Nath Tensent discussed their worst nights in the wilderness, one of them mentioned spending a night on Phorsa Gedd.


"Six years on Herdessa, two in the trenches of Phorsa Gedd before I was shipped here."
―Vryant reflects on his service with the Empire[3]

Phorsa Gedd was a terrestrial[1] planet[4] located in the Mid Rim that was home to factory-deserts.[1] The sunset on the world saw a venting of heat until sunrise the next day.[3] It had a Type I atmosphere[2] that was breathable to at least humans.[3]


"The Mid Rim too, Trandosha and Naboo, and Bothawei, Naator, Phorsa Gedd […] All these, young Luke, await the last attack."
―Obi Wan Kenobi, to Luke Skywalker[4]
Twilight Company patch

The Alliance 61st Mobile Infantry (logo pictured) fought on Phorsa Gedd during the rebel campaign in the Mid Rim.

During the time of the Galactic Empire, the Imperial soldier Vryant served two years among trenches on Phorsa Gedd before being reassigned to a garrison on the colony world Mrinzebon.[3] Around 1 ABY,[5] the Rebel Alliance began a campaign into the Mid Rim that lasted nine months. During the campaign, the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, better known as Twilight Company, fought at Phorsa Gedd's factory-deserts. When the campaign failed[1] in 2 ABY,[5] and the Alliance began withdrawing from the Mid Rim, the Twilight Company was redeployed to a number of locations it had fought on just months before and the engineer Vifra joined the company off of Phorsa Gedd.[1]

In 3 ABY,[6] shortly before the Battle of Hoth, First Sergeant Hazram Namir of the 61st reminisced about the battle on Phorsa Gedd, which he remembered vividly, with fellow 61st soldiers Beak and Roja on the planet Hoth. Following Twilight Company's victory on the planet Sullust that year, Carver, another member of Twilight Company who had taken part in the fighting on Phorsa Gedd, told stories of the latter engagement while in a cantina in the Sullust's[1] capital city[7] Pinyumb.[1]

In 4 ABY,[5] the Force ghost of the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi told the aspiring Jedi Luke Skywalker that the fate of Phorsa Gedd and many other planets relied on a final confrontation between Skywalker and the Sith Lord Darth Vader.[4] That same year,[8] Wyl Lark and Nath Tensentpilots who served the Alliance's successor, the New Republic—told stories of their worst nights in the wilderness, and one of them described spending evenings in the factory-deserts of Phorsa Gedd.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Phorse Gedd was first mentioned in Battlefront: Twilight Company, a novel written by Alexander Freed and published in 2015.[1]



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