


"So no, Novan Nune never faced Huska the Hutt in single combat. But there really was a tale of triumph involving Parcovey Minor, Republic colonists, and some very surprised Hutts getting what they deserved."
―Thunys Albegron, Proceedings of the Obroa-Skai Conference on Popular Entertainment[3]

Parcovey Minor was a Mid Rim world situated in the Hune sector. During the Kymoodon Era, it was settled by Galactic Republic colonists from Belasco; however, the Hutts viewed the world as a part of their territories. They ordered a raid on Parcovey Minor in order to enslave its inhabitants, but the Belasco Free Volunteers militia, which learned of the planned attack beforehand, was able to repel it. In return, the heavily armed militia members and colonists then launched a surprise attack into Hutt Space.

The raid was described in a report preserved in a government archive on Belasco, where it was discovered in 5 ABY. In 114 BBY, a fictionalized version of the raid on Parcovey Minor was featured in an installment of the True Tales of the Ancient Republic holodrama series, and Academician of Popular Studies Thunys Albegron analyzed the two accounts during the Obroa-Skai Conference on Popular Entertainment in 6 ABY.


"On the small green world of Parcovey Minor, dozens of families have banded together to clear land for a nerf ranch, unaware that the Hutts have decided to make their colony an object lesson for any Republic citizen who would dare trespass on their domain…"
―"Episode XXIV: Death on the Rim," True Tales of the Ancient Republic[3]

Parcovey Minor was a terrestrial world[3] located in the Parcovey Minor system, a part of the Hune sector[1] in the Slice portion of[2] the Mid Rim.[1] "Episode XXIV: Death on the Rim," an installment of the holodrama series True Tales of the Ancient Republic, depicted it as a small, green world.[3]


Ancient bravery[]

"According to the Archive Report, a captured Jilruan pirate told the authorities on Belasco of the planned raid on Parcovey Minor. The Belasco Free Volunteers rushed to the colony's defense and were hiding on several ranches when a barque filled with Klatooinian and Weequay raiders attacked."
―Thunys Albegron, Proceedings of the Obroa-Skai Conference on Popular Entertainment[3]

Parcovey Minor (situated in the area Rimward of Nanth'ri) was settled by colonists from Belasco in what the Hutts of Hutt Space considered a part of their outlying domains.

At some point during the Kymoodon Era,[3] which lasted from 15,000 BBY to 12,000 BBY,[4] Parcovey Minor, located beyond the frontier of the Galactic Republic at the time, was settled by Republic colonists from the world Belasco. Members of the Hutt species viewed the world as part of outlying Hutt domains and the Republic colonization as an act of war. In response, the Hutts planned a raid on Parcovey Minor in order to enslave its inhabitants, sending a barque with Klatooinian and Weequay raiders aboard to the world.[3]

However, a captured Jilruan pirate revealed the upcoming raid to the authorities on Belasco, and subsequently the Belasco Free Volunteers militia hid on several ranches on Parcovey Minor, setting up an ambush. When the Hutt barque attacked, its occupants were all either killed or captured, and when they were later interrogated, divulged their allegiance to the Hutt Utoradii clan. Thereafter, several dozen heavily armed Belasco Free Volunteers members and colonists traveled in the captured Hutt starships to the Hutt Space[3] world[4] Affavan, where they surprised and attacked members of the Utoradii and Vijilakii clans who were instead expecting a shipment of terrified enslaved people. The events surrounding the raid on Parcovey Minor were later recorded in a report that was prepared as background for a public advisory against Rimward Republic colonization. The report came to rest in a government archive on Belasco.[3]

Fiction and history[]

"It would have been a cruel revelation for the boys and girls of a century ago to learn that the intrepid Sector Ranger Novan Nune almost certainly never existed—much less followed the colonists kidnapped on Parcovey Minor to the dreaded arenas of Affavan, deep in Hutt Space, fought as a gladiator to win their freedom, and then returned to destroy the Hutt kajidic that had ravaged their world."
―Thunys Albegron, Proceedings of the Obroa-Skai Conference on Popular Entertainment[3]

The colonists of the True Tales of the Ancient Republic's fictionalized version of Parcovey Minor worked to establish a ranch for nerfs (a herder with nerfs depicted).

In 114 BBY, the True Tales of the Ancient Republic installment "Episode XXIV: Death on the Rim" was released. It depicted a fictionalized version of the raid on Parcovey Minor, mentioning the world in its introductory plot exposition text. In the holodrama, which was set in the final centuries of the Kymoodon Era, the Hutt attack on the colony, which included multiple families clearing land in order to establish a nerf ranch, was successful, and the enslaved settlers of the ravaged world were transported to Affavan.[3]

Instead of the Belascoan militia, however, in "Episode XXIV: Death on the Rim" the Hutt forces were followed to Affavan by the Sector Ranger Novan Nune, who fought as a gladiator in Affavan's arenas to secure the colonists' release and afterward returned to Parcovey Minor in order to defeat the Hutt clan responsible for the raid. In 5 ABY, the fragmentary remains of the Belascoan archive report were discovered. Subsequently, the Academician of Popular Studies Thunys Albegron compared and contrasted the fictionalized version of the Parcovey Minor assault and its historical account during the Obroa-Skai Conference on Popular Entertainment a year later.[3]


"Several dozen militia members and colonists took the captured ships to Affavan, where the slaves from Parcovey Minor were to be sorted and auctioned off, or disposed of at a parlay-feast between clans Utoradii and Vijilakii. Instead of terrified slaves, the assembled Hutts found themselves face to face with Belasco Volunteers who were heavily armed and seeking vengeance."
―Thunys Albegron, Proceedings of the Obroa-Skai Conference on Popular Entertainment[3]

Parcovey Minor was inhabited by colonists from Belasco who lived on a number of ranches on the world. In "Episode XXIV: Death on the Rim," those colonists were depicted as numbering at least a dozen families, who cooperated in establishing a nerf ranch.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Parcovey Minor was originally meant to be mentioned in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart; however, the section that would have mentioned the world was cut before the book's release. That section was later released in 2014 as part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a series of articles published on the StarWars.com Blog by Fry and[3] Del Rey editor[5] Erich Schoeneweiss containing various cut content from The Essential Guide to Warfare.[3] The StarWars.com Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Parcovey Minor system, and therefore the world itself, in grid square Q-12.[1]


Notes and references[]
