


This article is non-canon.

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"Execute Order 67."
"Yes, my lord."
"No, no. Not 67, Order 66!"
―Darth Sidious and CC-2224 "Cody"[1]

Order 67 was an order requiring clone troopers to dance[1] and clean their armor.[2]


"That's Order 66 done!"
"What's next?"
"Order 67 — do the washing up…"
"What I love about this job is the variety."
―Two clones[2]

During the Battle of Utapau, Darth Sidious accidentally issued Order 67 when he meant to use Order 66. Just after the order was executed, CC-2224 "Cody" and his troops began dancing. However, Sidious browsed a manual and executed Order 66.[1]

After Darth Sidious issued Order 66, other clone units also mistakenly executed Order 67, such as the Coruscant Guard on the planet Mygeeto with Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi, and the 41st Elite Corps on Kashyyyk with Grand Master Yoda, until they followed the proper command.[1] After the execution of Order 66, two clones, following a checklist, followed Order 67 to begin cleaning a massive number of clone helmets, which one of the two loved due to the variety it demonstrated in their jobs. As they washed the helmets in a sink, a dianoga swam around the soapy water.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Order 67 appeared in the 2022 video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, published by Traveller's Tales.[1]

Originally, the order appeared in a Robot Chicken Star Wars clip where Palpatine is falling down the shaft towards the reactor core of the second Death Star. In the clip, he pulls out a cellphone, then calls a group of Ewoks and tells them to "Execute Order 67!," with which they comply and start dancing.



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