


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"The Creed's in Templemarch, yes? I'll make sure you're not bothered on the way."
Hazram Namir's father, to his son[2]

The religious group known as the Opaline Creed operated in an ancient cloister outside the city Templemarch on the planet Crucival by 4 BBY. Hazram Namir, a Creed member who went by Umu Seven, went on an errand to a bazaar before returning to the cloister with acquired supplies for the Creed engineers, trademasters, and weaponsmiths, joining fellow Creed member Pira Ten on the cloister's grass yard after. The cloister became ruins by 1 BBY when Namir used it for refuge after escaping a battle. The man survived there for nearly a week before leaving and following a line of people departing from Templemarch.


The ancient cloister was located outside the city Templemarch on[2] the Outer Rim[3] planet Crucival. Used by the religious faction Opaline Creed, it was enclosed by walls and included an area of yellow grass where Creed members slept on blankets under the stars.[2]



The cloister was located on the planet Crucival (pictured on map).

The Opaline Creed resided in the ancient cloister[2] by 4 BBY. That year,[1] the Creed member Hazram Namir, who went by the name Umu Seven, was sent from the cloister to collect supplies from the bazaar. Namir eventually returned to the cloister and handed various devices and device parts he had acquired to Creed weaponsmiths, engineers, and trademasters. Afterward, he joined his friend, fellow Creed member Pira Ten, on the grass yard where around a hundred other Creed followers slept on blankets. The pair spoke about the relatively peaceful period they were enduring, which Namir called boring.[2]

The Creed fell[2] within the next four years,[1] and the cloister was reduced to ruins.[2] In 1 BBY,[1] after Namir barely escaped a battle against the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry at the Galactic Empire's transmitter tower, he took refuge in the cloister's ruins and watched the battle rage on in the distance. The tower fell to the rebels the day after, and Namir spent nearly a week surviving in the cloister, eating bird eggs to sustain himself and sleeping in his unwashed clothes. Although he felt he could not return to Templemarch, he decided to leave the ruins when he noticed a line of people leaving the city for the 61st's own camp.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The cloister appeared in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, which was written by Alexander Freed.[2]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The sections of Battlefront: Twilight Company where the cloister is used by the Opaline Creed and where the cloister appears as ruins are set fifteen and nineteen years after the Clone Wars, respectively. The latter section occurring around two months before Battle of Yavin. The Clone Wars ended in 19 BBY, according to Star Wars: Timelines, which additionally defines the year before the Battle of Yavin as 1 BBY. Therefore, the cloister must have been destroyed between between 4 BBY and 1 BBY.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Battlefront: Twilight Company
  3. Star Wars Galaxy Map