


"There's a legend that tells of a race of majestic dragons that live deep underground. The old Gozzo flock warned against getting greedy, drilling too deep, and unleashing the beast from below."
―Flix, to his companions[1]

The old Gozzo flock was a Gozzo flock hailing from the planet Drahgor III who warned about mining too deep on the world and disturbing the Karnex Dragons below. The warnings became a legend over time and were eventually told to the Gozzo Flanx, his flock, and their cousin, Flix. In 34 ABY, Flix returned to Drahgor III and was furious upon learning Flanx's flock had ignored the warnings and begun deep core drilling.


The old Gozzo flock was a Gozzo flock that was active on[1] their homeworld,[2] the Outer Rim[3] planet Drahgor III.[1]


"Deep core drilling? Are you all insane? You know we are never allowed to go down that far."
―Flix, to his cousins, upon learning they were ignoring the old Gozzo flock's warnings[1]
Flanx flock

Flanx's flock (pictured) opted to ignore the old Gozzo flock's warnings about drilling too deep on Drahgor III.

At some point, the flock operated on Drahgor III as miners. The flock warned against deep mining on the planet out of greed, indicating that doing so could release dangerous beasts[1]—ancient and majestic Karnex Dragons.[2] Over time, their warning came to be regarded as a legend. The Gozzo Flanx, his flock, and their cousin Flix were informed of the warnings[1] as hatchlings[2] and advised never to delve too deep. However, when Flanx took over their family's fuel refinery from his uncle Floog, the flock began deep core mining for fuel and ignored the tale as an outdated legend.[1]

In 34 ABY,[4] Flix returned to Drahgor III and learned of his relatives' deep core drilling of the planet and their apparent apathy toward the rumbling sounds beneath their feet. He was furious at them and repeated the old Gozzo flock's warnings to Flanx and his own companions—the supertanker fuel depot Colossus residents Kazuda Xiono, Torra Doza, Orka, and the astromech droid CB-23. Shortly after, Flanx, Flix, and the Colossus residents were attacked by a group of Karnex Dragons while attempting to fix their underground drill, leading the former Gozzo to apologize to his visiting cousin for not believing the old Gozzo flock's warnings.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The old Gozzo flock was first mentioned in "From Beneath,"[1] the sixth episode of the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Resistance, which aired on November 10, 2019.[5]



Notes and references[]
