

Z-95 Headhunter

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Nevarro reptavians were a species of winged, predatory reptavians native to the planet Nevarro. Venomous creatures, they hunted at night; at one point, several of them ambushed a group of bounty hunters and mercenaries seated around a campfire, taking one of their hunters, two blurrgs and injuring Greef Karga in the process.

Biology and appearance[]

Unidentified creature Nevarro Blurrg

One of the creatures lifting a blurrg.

With a wingspan averaging 11.44 meters, reptavians' skin was scaly and dry, and their overall appearance was considered dragon-like. These reptilian animals had a very pointed snout, a mouth filled with sharp teeth, and two brownish eyes. Nevarro reptavians pursued their prey in flocks; predominantly nocturnal hunters, they were stealthy under the cover of darkness, and potentially strong enough to lift a fully-grown blurrg and carry it away. They would then fly their quarry back to their young for consumption. These creatures possessed very large, venomous claws and massive, sharp canine teeth capable of inflicting serious, potentially lethal, injuries. The wounds sustained from reptavian claws could measure several inches deep by as wide, and were usually left in a row of three or four scratches. If not immediately treated, their bites and scratches were considered extreme medical emergencies, with envenomation quickly taking over the bodies of their victims, leading to eventual cardiac arrest and organ shutdown.[2]


Unidentified creature Nevarro The Mandalorian

One of the creatures attacks a camp of mercenaries and bounty hunters.

In 9 ABY,[4] several reptavians ambushed a camp of bounty hunters and mercenaries, capturing two of their three blurrgs (one of which was struck by the bounty hunters' friendly fire) and one of the hunters, a Trandoshan. Only when one of the creatures was mortally wounded by the use of a flamethrower were the others driven off. While medpacs were ineffective to counter the venom, an infant known as Grogu used the Force to heal Greef's wound, much to his shock and amazement, saving his life.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The reptavians first appeared in "Chapter 7: The Reckoning," an episode of the first season of Jon Favreau's television series The Mandalorian. The episode was directed by Deborah Chow and aired on Disney+[3] on December 18, 2019.[5] The creature's design was based on Ralph McQuarrie's original designs for dragonsnake creatures in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. Artist Christian Alzmann used the wings of flying dinosaurs (like pteranodons) as inspiration for the wings of the reptavians.[6]



Notes and references[]

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